

I have been tagged by two super sweet blog friends. Beth tagged me on the "Honest Scrap." The rules are simple.

1. Show the icon on your blog
2. Tag seven people to partake in the fun time

3. List 10 random things about yourself.

I was also tagged by Kara. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you

2. Post the rules on your blog

3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself

4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs

5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Here it goes....

1. I would love to have dinner with Angel*na J*lie. I wasn’t a fan of AJ in her early days but since she’s adopted I think she’s fascinating.

2. I’m obsessed with Marriott points and my Marriott elite status. Hmm.. is that kinda depressing?

3. I have a hard time falling asleep at night.

4. I’m a list maker~ without a list nothing gets done.

5. My poor cuticles crack and bleed~ it hurts

6. My "must have" cosmetic is LancĂ´me mascara. (Blonde Eyelashes).

7. I have 123 blog subscriptions in my Google reader

8. I live in an old building that was built in the 1930's. It has lots of charm but NO insulation. In the summer my electric bill is out-of-control and in the winter it's really cold. These are the original door knobs in my apt. I LOVE them.

9. I'm scared I might lose my job 1st or 2nd quarter next year. :( I'm a corporate sales and technical trainer; know anyone who needs a corp. trainer??

10. I keep the Emily Post Etiquette book on my nightstand.

I'm tagging anyone who wants to play along!


  1. I'm praying for you and your job! I'm worried about this as well. The state has cut $21.5 million from the agency I work under, and we heard today to expect another $10 million cut. I'm scared!

  2. PS - you have another one of those honest scrap awards on my blog tomorrow. LOL!

  3. I am obsessed with hotel and airline points :)

  4. I get a little crazy with points too. Now I am into Upromise--saving for college with points from online purchases.

  5. I live in an old building too- and it is COLD in the winter!!!

  6. Those door knobs are beautiful. I am sorry about the job worry. I hope it will all work out.

  7. hi jill! love the blog - it looks gorgeous! i am keeping my fingers crossed about your job. i know how tough it is.
    those doorknobs are fabulous. so many buildings in la lack that charm that your building has. kinda sucks.
    thanks for the teacher comment haha. i hope i end up being a good one. hopefully my students will find me entertaining.
    i hope you are doing well and also hope that you come back visit. dland at christmas is pretty amazing. you know you want to go!

    happy holidays!! take care

    oooh, i also have a copy of emily post on etiquette, it is always in my car.

  8. How fun! I hope you don't lose your job, though. I'll say a prayer for ya!
