
Yesterday my mom and I made a gingerbread house. Oh My Lanta, Georgia…. These things are harder to make than they look! It was our first time to EVER make one. We starting thinking back to the last time we had a gingerbread house; it was in 1978! 30 years ago my mom’s high school BFF sent us a gingerbread house for Christmas. I just informed my 29 year old brother that this is his first gingerbread house. He thanked me but I'm sure he really doesn't care. :)

Here's our gingerbread house.
This is a very hard project for 2 perfectionst.

We dyed our coconut pink and added it to the roof.
My favorite part!

Jenn and I were so proud of our gingerbread house in '78.
I'm on the left.


  1. IT looks beautiful and DELICIOUS!!!! Yay for you :) Maybe I'll get adventurous and do one of those next year :)

  2. OMG that is such a cute little house, though!! Great job! Now I want to make one :)

  3. It is great! Gingerbread houses are so hard to make! Yours looks beautiful, I loved the dyed coconut!!

  4. It looks gorgeous! That is the cutest one I've ever seen. Good job!!!

  5. I love your gingerbread house, it is adorable. I was going to do one, but didn't had a chance. I get to enjoy yours instead.

    I have a song dedicated to you on my blog. When I first heard it, it reminded me of you. Although we never met, you are a sweet friend. Because of what you do in helping orphans and sharing your genuine love with others. I hope you like like it.

    It's call, "The Call", by Regina Spektor.

    Have a great day

  6. love the pictures of you as a child! i think it turned out great. i lack the patience for these projects. i actually picked up some paper maiche houses at hobby lobby while i was at home for christmas, and i'm going to attempt your painted house project.

  7. It turned out precious! I love the pink coconut - what a nice touch!

  8. I've never been brave enough...it looks great!

  9. I love the Pink roof! Such a cute house...looks like it was tons of work, but looks like you all had fun!

  10. Of course I'm not surprised that it looks adorable and it's PINK! You did a great job. And I love the childhood pics. So sweet :)

  11. It turned out great! You were such a cutie pie!

  12. I'm so glad to find your blog! I can't wait to read all about your trips to China! (And I enjoyed reading your blog about the darling Gingerbread houses, too!!)..Come visit with me on my blog, too!!! We're the Fry Family--a big family in Birmingham! (Thank God for FryDays!).Blessings! jan

  13. Your gingerbread house looks SO CUTE!

  14. Wow, Jill that house is amazing and so you :)

    See you this weekend (!!)

  15. I looks wonderful. I love the pink roof! The pics of you as a child with your 1st gingerbread house are adorable.

  16. Your Gingerbread house looks SO CUTE! They are tough to do...we do them most years but skipped it this year.

    Happy New Year Jill! May all your dreams cone true.

  17. Oh, I love the pink coconut and all of the pastel colors of your gingerbread house!
    Those old photos are ADORABLE!!!
