
New Look

Oh My Lanta, Georgia~ Check out my new blog makeover by Danielle at The Design Girl. I love my new design. Thank you, Danielle.

If you’d like a super cute, unique, and completely fabulous blog makeover, click here. Danielle is offering my readers $20 off any blog design until February 14th. Y’all, that is $5 cheaper than her store wide sale and returning customer price. Make sure you tell her I sent you for your discount.

Check out Kate's new blog makeover by Danielle. I LOVE it, it's so classy! E-mail Danielle at, thedesigngirl@gmail.com for your new spring look! Since I don't like to post without a photo, here's a photo of Me, Danielle, and Kate in Los Angeles. Happy Monday!


  1. I love your new look! Danielle did a great job.

  2. Love your new design! Danielle is so good :-) Love the pic too!

  3. Jill ~

    I received my package!!! I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much!! You should be receiving yours SOON!!

    Thanks again,

    GREAT NEW LOOK, BY THE WAY!! LOVE IT!! I'm adding you to my blog roll too!

  4. Your blog is really chic. I love it. Danielle did a fabulous job. It's you Jill.

  5. love it!
    bright and refreshing!

  6. I am loving it!!

    I look so weird in that photo-towering over you two!

  7. Love the new header. That's so fun that you three got together!

  8. Love the new layout!!!! It's so pretty & so you!

  9. I love the new look! Danielle did a great job!
