
Movie and Dinner

Wednesday night I saw Confession of a Shopaholic with Amy. I was disappointed. Did anyone else see it? What did you think? During the movie Amy was texting and I was checking my email; it was that bad. I received the email during the movie that I might get Britney tickets for Monday night. I did the happy dance; that was the best part of the movie.

After the movie and a quick stop at the candle shop, we had dinner at The Raven Grill. The weather was perfect so we decided to eat on the patio. After a while, I noticed a chicken walking around the patio. Yes, this is Texas but we were having dinner in the middle of the 4th largest city in the United States, not the sticks. I typically don't see farm animals (and thank goodness) strolling around restaurants. The waiter told us the chicken lived there along with another chicken friend. Kinda funny.

Don't forget to vote in my poll. Amy is trying to decide how to spell the name Chace or Chase. Which do you like best? So far, Chase is winning. Happy Friday!


  1. Well, I'm kinda sad that the movie was a flop. I was looking forward to watching it. Totally happy for you that you might have Brittney tickets!!! That's fun! Cracks me up about the chickens at the restaurant. I'm from Oklahoma, so it doesn't shock me much. ;) Have a fabulous Friday!!

  2. I didn't like the Movie either! I was very disappointed. The chickens are so funny, I have never seen that at a restueant, I hope you weren't eating chicken-ha ha! I voted for Chase. Have a good weekend!!

  3. I haven't seen the movie yet but I have not heard good things about it, which I must admit, makes me sad since I was really looking forward to seeing it. And crazy chicken!!

  4. hmm... I LOVED the movie!! What didn't you like about it?

    I thought it was funny. Mostly because I could relate... I'm a sucker for shopping. :)

  5. I haven't seen the movie cus I heard it sucks so bad. I really enjoyed all the novels, but when I heard that the movie changed so many important things in the book, I didn't want to see it... until it hits dvd ;) I saw Britney in Toronto, AMAZING!!!

  6. LOL! only in Texas!! I was driving through a smaaaaal East Texas town one day and was stopped by a little weinie dog chasing a chicken down the middle of the road. Nice.. :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  7. I saw it and thought it was a cute entertaining piece of fluff!! (I guess my expectations were low!) I did think that her outfits in the movie were outlandish! :)

  8. I LOVED the books, so I was critquing how far off or close the movie was the whole time. It has about half and half.

    I do enjoy Hugh Dancey though! :D

    Too funny about the chicken, on Kauai in Hawaii, there are chickens EVERYWHERE, it's kind of surprisning at first!

  9. I'm sad you didn't like the movie. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm planning too. I LOVE the books (like really love). Maybe I shouldn't see the movie...

    Funny about the chicken - it is true about Kauai though :)

  10. I still haven't seen this movie. Every time I make plans to go, something falls through and I don't. Maybe it's a sign.

    Candle shopping and dinner sounds fun. The chicken is really random!

    I voted and I prefer Chase. I think either way it is a great name!

  11. I didn't hear great things about the movie, and from what you told me yesterday, I won't like it at all!

    That's funny about the chicken. Pretty random.

  12. I haven't seen it and don't plan to, although I did enjoy the books. I'm almost always disappointed by the movie version of books, so I tend to stay away :)

  13. Oh my, I don't think I would like that chicken strolling around me. I'm scared to death of chickens. Well, let me rephrase that...I'm scared to death of breathing chickens but I'm very found of eating chicken. I was attacked by a rooster on my Aunt's farm when I was a toddler; flying feathers, pecking, all I have to say is that it was ugly, real ugly. Weird, I have no problems with ducks just chickens.

    Jill, have you been to the store Longoria Collection? It’s located on Uptown Park Blvd? Here’s the site www.longoriacollection.com I’m curious and want to stop in. Just thought I’d ask in case you’ve already been.

  14. I am from Houston too and I had to constantly tell people that I did not ride a horse to school. So tired of having to 'splain our quiet vibrant city.

  15. i kinda enjoyed the movie!! there were some dull!!
    those chickens are too funny!!

  16. Agreed. It was a wannabe Devil Wears Prada and I LOVEDDD THAT movie.

  17. that stinks about the movie!! I haven't seen it but I really wanted to...not so much anymore :( Congrats on the tickets! happy weekend :)

  18. I loved the books so I was looking forward to the movie. I'll probably just rent it now.

  19. Awe! I loved it, but I'm a sucker. Yaya for the Brit-Brit tickets. Xoxo-BLC

  20. Ditto on the movie. I did not like it at all. Love all the books though. Same with Marley and Me - good book - didn't like the movie. I laughed about the chicken walking around - in Key West has rooster walking around and it flipped me out the first day we were there. They could come right up to you while your eating.

  21. I loved the fashion. I like Isla Fisher so I thought it was ok. I've read the books, and they are lighthearted chick lit. The character is supposed to be irresponsible but it is bad timing to put out a movie like this in the current economy, I guess.
