
Real Women Wear Pearls

Last week I ordered a custom painted sign from My Flip Flopz for my front door. I was so excited when I returned home today~ my sign was waiting for me! I just love how it turned out. You must check the My Flip Flopz Etsy Store.... super cute! The best part is you can custom order a sign with your own sayings. What a cute gift idea!


  1. I love the signs that she makes and your sign turned out so well. I think that is the cutest saying! I think I may need to get one.

  2. I LOVE it!!
    I'll have to check it out!!

  3. Thats so cute!
    I've looked at her store before, everything she does is so cute. I just don't have a spot for anything right now, unforunatly. :)

  4. How appropriate! And true! And very you! I was so excited the day the King brought home pearls for me. They are such a chic, sophisticated piece of jewelery.

  5. I love the sign - what a sweet phrase :) I was wearing mine yesterday!

  6. I love how it turned out. Glad you ended up buying one :)

  7. Absolutely fabulous!!! Perfect for a glam girl....

  8. very cute and so very you! love it!

  9. I really like the sign. It's a so-true saying, why didn't we think of that?
    Love, Mom
