
Weekend Update

Friday night I had a Girl's Night with friends, Amy and Maria. This is something we try to do once a month. We went to Amy's house and ordered Mexican Food from one of my favorite places. I made homemade guacamole and margaritas and Maria brought a Key Lime Pie... Good Times. If you love guac and margaritas, you have to try these recipes...

I don't have an exact recipe for guacamole; it's "to taste." You'll need avocados, lime, fresh cilantro (a must), tomato, onion, salt and pepper. For this batch, I used 7 small avocados.

Scoop the avocado into a mixing bowl, don't mash. Squeeze the lime juice over the avocado. I used about 6 small limes. Add fresh cilantro. Cilantro really makes the guacamole; I don't think you can have too much. Add 1-3 chopped roma tomatoes. Add about 1/4 cup white or red onion, chopped. I prefer red onion in this dish. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste and mix well. As you mix mash the larger pieces of avocado with a fork. I like it a little chunky.

The trick is you have to taste the guac and determine what adjustments need to be made. After I made this batch, I added more cilantro, salt, and pepper. I don't add any fillers... mayo, sour cream, or shredded lettuce... very cruel. :)

For a great margarita (sometimes better than restaurants), I use a large can of frozen limeade. Pour the limeade into the blender, it doesn't have to be thawed. Use the empty limeade can as your measuring cup. Fill the limeade can 1/2 full with Tequila, pour into the blender. Fill the limeade can 1/4 full with Triple Sec, pour into the blender. Add ice and blend. These margaritas can be made ahead of time. After you've made a batch, put the blender pitcher into the freezer. When you're ready to serve, blend one more time. So good...

Saturday night I met my friend, Lindsay, at the mall for dinner and shopping. I got this cute dress for 50% off at the Gap. Yay! Today, Sunday, as I write this blog post I'm at the airport in Chicago waiting for a connecting flight to Columbus, OH. I'm working in Columbus for a couple days and soooo excited. I've never been to Columbus and I love visiting new places. Hope y'all had a great weekend.

P.S. I'm wearing my new Gap dress today with a red cardigan and red ballet flats. I think it was a good buy!


  1. Those Margaritas look amazing! I think it's so important to spend time with female friends, life gets in the way sometimes but it makes all the difference when you can get together and have a good giggle!

  2. I will DEF have to make those margaritas for a party this summer! I like that you home-make them. The ones at restaurants taste waaaaay too sweet for my taste.

    And I completely forgot-I was going to post on your blog right after I did the prom photo tag-along. Thank you so much for stopping by mine! I love your blog-pearls ARE my fav piece of jewelry. And I'm diggin your texas prom hair;)

  3. Wow! Everything looks so yummy!!! I'm going to have to use some of your recipes for Cinco de Mayo....

  4. I love guacamole so much, and yet I don't think I've ever made my own. I really need to try it!

  5. cute dress! and that margarita recipe is going in my book!! thank you for sharing.

  6. What a fun weekend!! Love the recipes, those margaritas look so yummy!!!

    Love the dress too!!! I'm sure it looks so precious with red flats!! Enjoy your time in Columbus!!

  7. Oh la la! Looks like a bona fide fiesta! Xoxo-BLC

  8. Thank you for these recipes! I will definitely try both this summer. I love guac and a tasty margarita! Mexican food is by far my favorite. It sounds like you had a fun ladies night!

    I love the dress you got from the Gap. So cute and can't beat 50% off!

    Have safe travels and enjoy Ohio.

  9. That was the best damned guac. I have ever had!!!!

  10. Great find @ Gap!

    And do people really put LETTUCE in their guac? I almost threw up when I read that! And mayo? Yuck!

  11. I love girls' nights. I think I may make this guac for out Gray's Anatomy night on thursday. :) And totally cute dress! I love it!

  12. Oh wow, sounds like you girls had a fun time. The avacodo dip looks so yummy, and the magaritas sounds good. Jill, if you don't mind me asking. What kind of job that you do? Reason why I asked, is because you get to travel to these great states in our country. Do you have your own business? Your job sounds fun. Have a great week. :)

  13. Cute dress! And those margaritas look amazing. I love margaritas. And pina coladas. :)

  14. Cute dress. The weekend foods and drinks sound yummy!!

    Thanks for the sweet email Jill about the boutique and calling your mom, etc....you are so kind and your mom is quite the gem too!
    I hope you have a great week!

  15. SUCH a cute dress! And i will DEF. be trying that recipe. it's the perfect time of year for yummy margaritas! thanks for sharing. :)

  16. I am now drooling. Yum.

    love the dress!

  17. that is awesome you get to travel for work! That dress is adorable..great buy!! I love Mexican food..thanks for the recipes..even if " to taste".. :) have a good monday!!! :)

  18. Your weekend looked fantastic!!! I am obsessed with Mexican food and margaritas! I will definitely give your yummy recipes a try! Have a great week :) xoxo

  19. Good food plus good clothes always equals good times!

  20. looks yummy!!! lovin' that dress!

  21. Yummooooo! I love my some guac!

    You should def try my guac recipe if you're interested! :D

  22. that dress is super cute. i bet it looks adorable with a red cardigan and flats.

    i make my guac the same way except instead of tomatoes I use salsa. people actually use mayo in guac? gross.

    i am totally trying your rita recipe!

  23. Such a cute dress! I sure do love your fashion sense!!!

  24. the margaritas sound amazing! i could seriously live off of margaritas and guacamole. it might have something to do with being born on cinco de mayo....or it might just be my love of tequila. i am definitely going to try that recipe.

    here's a good one for you - we served these (pompagne) at my bbq yesterday.

    1. pour champagne
    2. toss in a few pomegranate seeds
    3. add a generous splash of pomegranate juice
    4. enjoy

    so yummy and fun to drink with girls because it's pink

  25. Oh, YUM! Homeade guacamole is probably one of my favorite things! I'm going to eat Mexican for lunch today...in honor of Cinco de Mayo. ☺ The margaritas look delish too! (maybe I'll have one of those as well...in honor of Cinco de Mayo, of course.)

    I bet you look ADORABLE in you cute new Gap dress, red cardigan, and red flats!

    Have a terrific Tuesday!

  26. Love the Gap dress Jill ... and the gauc & margaritias - delish!! :)

  27. It's not yet 10am and my mouth is watering!

  28. i wanted to make your margaritas so bad this weekend and I realized I don't have any triple sec! bummer.
