
My Score, 23

Remember when I said I started blogging because it was an outlet from stress and drama? Well, I don’t want to blog about my crazy schedule, moving, or my feelings about leaving Houston, at least for now :). Yuck, but thank you SO much for your sweet comments. I really love this community of girls. I wish we could all have meet-up. It would be SO fun.

I found this really cute quiz from Baseball and Ballet. I thought I’d try it out. If you decide to participate, let me know so I can check it out your answers and your score. Knowing my blog friends... this quiz would be perfect for y'all. Wink,Wink.

Are you a Hospitality Queen?
Give yourself one point for every question you answer “yes”.

My answers in "Raspberry" (the new red)

1. Cooked supper last night. Nope, I was at my sister's house (my house on Saturday). We had Greek take-out. Yum.

2. Have at least one apron. Yes, I have 4. Do I get extra points? I made one of them! 1 Point

3. Make weekly menus to grocery shop from. Nope, I'm never home. Can I skip this one? If I were at home, I would cook. I believe eating at home is much healthier and cheaper.

4. Consider the color of food when you prepare a meal. Yes, my mom taught me this. Growing up, she color coordinated our dinners every night. Who wants to eat only white food? 1 Point

5. Light candles in your home daily. When I'm home, YES. 1 Point

6. Have at least 10 cookbooks. BONUS Add 5 points if you cook from at least 5 of them! Yes and Yes (when I'm home and I do cook). 6 Points

7. Have something in your refrigerator/pantry right now that you could prepare a whole meal. Umm...I'm moving on Saturday so I haven't been purchasing groceries but I would have to say YES. 1 Point

8. Know how to make a cheese sauce. (Not melted Velveeta). I've made cheese sauce from scratch at least twice but I don't remember how I did it. That counts, right? The first time was in college... that's huge! 1 Point

9. Have at least 3 different sets of matching napkins/placemats. Nope.

10. Have more than 2 sets of dishes. Yes but they are sets of 4, not your typical 8-12 piece place settings. I'll never forget, Tiffany's (BFF) grandmaw told her you should always get at least a 16-18 piece place setting... interesting. 1 Point

11. Enjoy reading cookbooks like others enjoy reading magazines/novels. Yes. 1 Point

12. Entertained in your home within the last month. Does May count? Yes, it does. 1 Point

13. Worked in your yard/garden this last week. No, no time.

14. Know what you are serving for breakfast in the morning. I'm so BAD, I usually skip breakfast; it makes me tired and more hungry, bad combo.

15. Know how to make a curtain - mistreatments count! Kinda. I could make a curtain but it wouldn't be perfect. 1 Point

16. Ever copied a décor idea from someone else. BONUS Add 5 points if someone has copied an idea from you. Yes and Yes. 6 Points

17. Play background music when entertaining. Always. 1 Point

18. Ever crafted your own flower arrangement. BONUS Add 5 points if you used fresh cut flowers from your own garden/yard. Yes. 1 Point

19. Baked something from scratch within the last month. Last month, no.

20. Updated your home for summer. No, moving on Saturday.

P.S. I have a really funny (maybe not to all) and very gross blog post coming soon on travel etiquette.


  1. I did it, sucked at it. :)

    Looking forward to your travel etiquette blog!

  2. I would definitely not be a hospitality queen! I don't think I'll even post my responses! Ha-Ha!

  3. you've made your own apron? I am impressed! I want to learn how!

  4. I'm going to have to try this....I don't think I'll be a hospitality queen though...lol

  5. I can't even answer most those questions...I still live at home. I never entertain--my dad goes to bed at 8pm every night; makes it very difficult to have a dinner party.

  6. Haha oh my word, I failed this miserably!!

  7. Cute quiz! I posted my responses on my blog. I drove past Minute Maid Park last night and totally thought about you. I remembered your post on when you went to the Astro game. It's been nice a nice feeling knowing that you were down the road. I remember when I first wrote you after I found out that we were moving from Austin. I asked you about areas to look for houses. Do you remember that? I'm anxiuos to hear all about San Antonio and see your new place. You decorate so cute. I'm sure your new home will be adorable.

  8. oooo! fun quiz! (i'm almost embarrassed of my score - i think it accentuates my OCD... oops.)
