
A Retail Victory & Misc.

Y'all today I had a retail victory at Target. I got this super cute tin bucket for 75% off! I think someone had just returned it. The original price was $18.99 and I paid $4.74. I love a victory! I think it will be perfect for ice and beverages!

Be sure to stop by The Design Girl for the chance to win a deluxe blog makeover. She is hosting a raffle for New Day Foster Home, my favorite charity. 100% of money raised will go directly to the formula project. A lucky winner will receive a deluxe makeover, and a runner up will receive a pre-made template. Without the formula project many orphans in China would be fed water. Can you imagine? The New Day Formula Project is a great cause and it saves lives.

Today I had a surprise in the mailbox! In May I got an email from Pearls are a Girl's Best Friend letting me know I won her giveaway. I won this CUTE bangle bracelet for A. Tierney. I choose the white bangle and I love it! There was a delay in shipping because I moved and had a change of address. Thank you SO much, Pearls are a Girl's Best Friend.

Don't forget to stop by my blog tomorrow evening for my Pay It Forward Giveaway! You must be a follower to sign up. I'm off to Chuy's for dinner with some new girlfriends! Yum!!!


  1. Oh em gee, that bucket is precious!! I want one!

  2. Love the pink and green bucket...that was a STEEL! :)

    Have a fun night out with the gals!!

  3. I have been eying that bucket-I hope it is on sale at my Target!

  4. LOVE that cute bucket, I hope I can find one when I go to Target on Friday. I also love your new bracelet, it's so cute!!

  5. I loooove Target! I used green damask beverage tubs from there for my wedding :)

  6. hi there!

    i just stumbled upon your blog and i really like it! what a great find at tar-jay! you can't beat their sales!

    ps - the volunteer work you do is really awesome and very admirable.

  7. Oh yay!! The bracelet is SO pretty!! I Love the bucket! Target is my favorite!

  8. The bucket is adorable! That's a really great deal!

    Also, inspired by Danielle, my boyfriend and I sponsored a little girl from NDFH!! :) I'm so excited. I can't wait to get all her information!

    And I'm looking into that monogram site, thanks for pointing it out again.

  9. That bucket is SO cute! I'm jealous! :) I haven't seen that at my Target.

  10. the bucket is SO flipping cute!! I love good deals!! congrats - the bracelet is so pretty!

  11. Love the pink and green bucket :)

  12. LOVE that bucket. I want it!! :)

  13. that is an AWESOME find on the bucket!! and SUCH A cute bracelet...luckiest girl ever!

  14. That bucket from Target is too cute and what a steal!! I also really like your bangle from A. Tierney. Congrats on winning the giveaway!

  15. Now that's a cute bucket...even cuter with a monogram painted on it!

    (LISTEN to me...even simple craft projects take about 2 years at my house.)

  16. oooh Jill, I have that same A. Tierney bracelet as well as another, love them! - just posted about them on my blog (with a free shipping promo!).

  17. hey :) cute bucket!
    I read your profile about your love for china--well, friends of mine are trying to adopt from china (they, too LOVE the country and go there often), and they are doing a giveaway of a Wii on their blog to help with costs to get their homestudy done....its $5 an entry...

    maybe you could check it out and send some of your readers over there?

    anyway...feel free to drop by my blog too.

