
Girl's Night

Friday night we had a Girl's Night in L.A. I had SO much fun. I finally got to meet Anglea from Sweet Tea Diaries. Just as I had imagined, she is so sweet! I just wanted to wrap her up and bring her home.

Getting ready at Danielle's House

Meet everyone at Villa Blanca for dinner

Having dinner and taking tons of photos

After dinner we walked to Crumbs for a cupcake. I was hoping to see a celeb but no luck.

Great pic of Kate~ We told Kate this should be her profile picture.

Angela and Me

Danielle posing with the Christmas lights


  1. how fun!!! You girls look so pretty :) Once again, jealous I couldn't be there to hang too!!

    Those cupcakes look DELISH!! I want one right now! I bet those Christmas lights made Danielle very happy!!

  2. Looks like a great night out!
    Now I want a cupcake lol!

  3. sorry!! i just realized I commented from my ebay email!

  4. I am sad we have no more girls nights :-( My girls nights now consist of getting to run to the grocery store by myself. Looks like you had a great time...I so jealous!!! Those cupcakes look YUMMY!!!

  5. It looks like you ladies had a wonderful time and those cupcakes look delicious!

  6. What a great time with amazing girls and cupcakes!!

  7. What fun, I def. want one of those cupcakes! :)

  8. You look like you had a great time!!

  9. Awww...how FUN! You all look so beautiful! And I want one of those delish cupcakes!

  10. I had SO much fun {as always} and can't wait to see you again! I am going to post the Disney pics soon :)


  11. What a fantastic girl's night!! I'm glad you had so much fun. :) You look gorgeous too!

  12. Looks like such a fun night and those cupcakes...they look incredible! Wish we had a shop like that around here!

  13. I'm jealous, in a good way though. You girls look like you were having a ball. Isn't it fun and exciting to meet someone personally from the blog world? Glad you had a good time. I need to do that with my girlfriends sometimes.

  14. I have never wanted a cupcake so bad in my life, haha!

  15. I want one!!! looks like a good time!

  16. Okay I tried to comment yesterday three times. It didn't work. I hate my internet. Anywho, you girls looked like you had a BLAST! I want to come to LA sometime when you'll be there :-) I can only imagine the fun we would have! xoxo

  17. I keep trying to comment and it never goes through! This is my forth try. You girls looked like you had a blast! I want to come visit LA when you're going to be there. I can only imagine the fun we would have! xoxo

  18. Oh. Blog owner approval. Got it. Aka... I'm slow :-) You can delete this one and one of the others if you want.
