
Formula Program in China

The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched… But they are felt in the heart…. Helen Keller

The leaders of my China mission trip last year, Carrie and Jacob, are two wonderful people, completely unselfish, with hearts for God and His kingdom. Carrie and Jacob quit their jobs and they are volunteering in a China orphanage for at least a year. What an extraordinary calling!

Carrie has a blog and just recently posted about a “Formula Program.” I was moved after reading the post on the Formula Program. Carrie has given me permission to mention the program on my blog for anyone who is interested in contributing.

For more detailed information you can visit Carrie’s blog or the New Day site, but I’ll give a quick summary.



The Formula Program provides formula to babies in orphanages and foster care in parts of China that are extremely poor. The baby formula is not available for purchase in these rural areas. The babies are sometimes fed water, which can cause severe malnutrition and sometimes death.

The cost for formula for one child for one month is only $25 or $300 for one year. If you’re interested in donating, click on the New Day link. You can donate for one month, two, three, or one year.

It’s very easy and it only takes a couple of minutes. The New Day site will take you to PayPal and you’ll receive a receipt immediately for tax purposes. You can make the donation in someone’s name if you would like. If you’ve lost a loved one this year - what a great way to honor them by possibly saving the life of a baby in China.


  1. What a wonderful program, I will check out the blog. We are waiting on our daughter from China, so this is dear to my heart.
