
Inspiration Book

My mom has done it again! She created an Inspiration Book for my sister and me. I LOVE it. An Inspiration Book is where you keep magazine pictures, photos, quotes…anything that inspires you. I’ve always had a similar book but it wasn’t pretty. I started my first Inspiration Book in college. The majority of my book is filled with decorating ideas. I live in an old building, built in the 1930’s. It has tons of charm and I really like it. The landlord let me paint, which always adds character and warmth. However, I don’t own my place and I’m looking forward to the day I decorate my own house.

Inside of the Book and it has Pockets!

The fabric on the Inspiration Book is from Amy Butler. I love her fabrics. Amy Butler also has a line of scrapbook items at Michael’s. I’ve made banners and greeting cards with her paper. On her website, Amy has fabric and paper project ideas. I made these paper flowers with the help of her website.

Other fabric designers that I really like include, Tina Givens and Anna Maria Horner. My mom and I are hoping to attend the Houston Quilt Show this October. I’m keeping my finger crossed that I get to meet one of my three favorite fabric designers.

In 2006, my mom made this photo album cover for my China pictures and documents. She purchased the design on the internet and uploaded it to her sewing machine. Next we picked colors for the design and ta da! There's so much detail in this album, I love it. Thanks, Mom!


  1. So cute! LOVE the book covered in Amy Butler fabric. What does the inside of the cover look like? Is that a difficult project? I love it! The China book is really sweet too.

    I have a feeling I would love your mom. I bet she's fun around Christmas. :)

    Please sign up for gmail or instant messenger so we can chat (free!) when we are online. Just a thought...

    Talk soon.

    PS. I'm sitting at my new desk

  2. The second picture is the inside of the book. I've added a description under the photo.

    I think it is a difficult project because you need the sewing machine. I'm having such problems with the sewing machine!!! UGH... However, for anyone who sews it's probably really easy.

  3. Seriously, your mom is crazy talented!!! Now I want an Inspiration Book!!! BTW...thanks for the comment on my crappy day...I can't wait for tomorrow!

  4. Thanks for stopping by. That's awesome you went on a mission trip to China. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do that someday... in China or Russia.

  5. just adorable! great idea to keep all your ideas and keepsakes together!

  6. Thanks Jill for all of your sweet compliments and thank you's. I'm so glad that I get the chance to do all of these fun things. It keeps me happy as a clam.
    Love, Mom
