
Round Two & Happy Birthday, Maria

Last night I saw Sex and the City for the second time. I liked it even better than the first time. Yesterday was Maria's birthday. It was the perfect celebration for her. We had sushi and headed to the movie. Maria has been such a great friend over the years. We both worked for Kodak and became close friends. I really treasure her friendship. Maria is like a big sister to me.

So Excited to See the Movie...Again
I'm Wearing Jeans :)

Maria, Amy, and Me

Key Lime Cheesecakes for Maria


  1. That was so much fun...I'm glad we did it! The best was the singing in the van and the cracking up during the movie!

  2. I didn't think I would ever catch my breath in that movie theater! That was so much fun!! Thank you Jill and Amy for such a wonderful birthday night! Y'all are such wonderful friends. You take me back to my youth. LOL
    Love y'all,

  3. ps........Jill, the key lime cupcakes were deelish!! Thank you!
    I think I better get back to running......:)


    pss....do I have to always sign in as anonymous?

  4. You girls have too much fun. The cupcakes sound great too.
    Love, Mom
