
Ask Me Anything

Update on Gracie~ I just read on Carrie's blog that Gracie's surgery went really well and it was successful! Yay... thanks for praying for her.

This week I’m working a couple days in South Dakota. Other than being extremely cold, there’s not much going on here. I’ve seen other bloggers do this and I thought I’d give it a try. Ask me anything you want from now until Thanksgiving Day and I’ll answer. For a little added bonus… after the questions have been asked I’m going to draw a name and send someone a little surprise!


  1. I have a question: Did you go to school and if so, what was your major?

  2. My question is; How did you start going on missions? I'm interested in doing that sometime in the future.

  3. About your love life:)
    1. Are you dating anyone now?
    2. Have you ever tried online dating?
    3. Would/have you ever considered adopting as a single mom?
    4. When are you coming to Nashville so we can meet?

  4. Hmmm...
    I'm gonna do a random question :-)
    ~If you could only eat one food for a month, what would it be?~

    P.S. I LOVE you banner on your blog! I love snowflakes and think it looks fabulous!

  5. Who is your favorite designer, and where would you shop if you could only have access to one store?

  6. Hmm, this is a tough one!

    If you could live anywhere in the United States, where would you live and why?
    Is there a state/city in the US that you are dying to visit?

    that's the best I can come up with for now! :)

  7. So glad Gracie came through her surgery well.
    Can't wait to see your answers to all these great questions.

  8. I am SO glad Gracie is ok! I have been praying for her! Sorry I missed your call last night. Got your message a little late and didn't want to wake you.

    This is going to be tough. I feel like I know a lot about you (enough that I can answer most of the questions already asked!).

    Here it goes...

    If you had to sit down and watch a Christmas movie (I know how you love to do that) what movie would it be?

    Your favorite childhood TV show?

    Your favorite Christmas memory?

    Favorite Christmas song?

    Where are you right now, and why aren't you answering your phone?


  9. My question is...
    What movie can you watch over and over (and over) and never get tired of?

    ...also, I wanted to let you know I got your swap mailed off yesterday. :) I'm apologizing in advance for the box, the one I planned to use didn't fit & I had to improvise to get it mailed yesterday. I hope you enjoy it!

  10. I'm so glad you are doing OK! My question is what is your favorite Thanksgiving and / or Christmas memory growing up?
