
Do you have a signature outfit?

A "signature outfit" is an outfit that you absolutely love and that completely defines your style. This is my signature outfit. For some of my friends it’s jeans and a tee shirt and for some it’s a dress and flats. What’s yours? or What is your favorite clothing item?


  1. My go-to outfit is dark jeans with a white button down and a sweater..usually J. Crew w/pearls and high heels! So classic!

  2. I LOVE sweaterdresses and tights. These are classy, casual and dressy all at the same time! They are perfect for a crisp fall day or in the spring! I don't wear them a lot but they are adorable!

  3. Just coming over from Lori's blog.... your blog is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Jeans and a polo (plus always something anchor/nautical!).

    You always have the best dresses!

  5. I love wrap dresses. They are so slimming and they can be casual or dresses.

  6. Great question. Right now, I can be found running around in black leggings, Uggs, and a t shirt& sweater.

    Otherwise you'll find me in jeans, flats, and some sort of sweater/top.

  7. Jill, you are such a doll! I would say right now mine is jeans, tshirt, boots and a great scarf! I love scarf weather.

    Today, however, I look like Danielle :) black leggings, Uggs, and a long sweater :)

  8. Mine would be a black dress. I have so many! They work for every ocassion!

  9. You are too cute!
    I wear a lot of jeans. Hmmm...I need a signature look.

  10. hmmm, i guess mine would have to be a jeans and a fitted jacket. in the summer i wear tanks under them and in the winter i layer with turtle necks.

    great post! i LOVE your signature style!

  11. A cardigan with a dress or jeans. Love me some cardigans. And turtlenecks... those too.

    Cute outfit!

  12. I have two signature outfits...One for winter and one for summer. My summer is a cotton dress and flip flops. For winter it's blue jeans and a long sleeve tissue tee from JCREW with loafers.

  13. You look so pretty! Mine is a cashmere twinset, black skirt, black tights, and black patent heels.

  14. Ooh la la, very nice! I'm still working on developing a signature...

  15. Mine is anything that is classic! I am serious - I have had my preppy, classic style my entire life! This past summer I wore a J. Crew madras shift w/ yellow cardigan; also a Lilly shift. Fall/winter finds me in a corduroy skirt, shirt, sweater, tights, and flats. Your style is darling!!

  16. Well, you know mine...Jeans and a black or brown sweater/shirt with heels or boots and big silver earrings :-)

  17. I find it funny that in the time I've spent with you, I've never seen you in your "signature!" I guess that's the result of spending time together in places where one must take care not to step in sheep poo. :) I feel a little bad for saying that on your beautiful blog amidst all the fashionable comments.

    To answer your question, I think I have a signature item! A long "pashmina" that I can use as a wrap or a scarf. I love it with jeans and a simple, solid shirt.

  18. Oh, you are cute in your signature outfit. Hmm..mine is probably some kind of work out clothes! LOL! I like people to think that I am "working on it"..HA!!!

  19. My signature outfit would have to be a black pants and a white blouse. Yours look tres chic. Very nice.

  20. Cute picture Jill!
    That's a tough question for me 'cause I LOVE clothes! haha
    I think I'd have to say my comfy trapeze-style cotton dress (I made a few at the beginning of summer and wore them out!) or any full-swingy skirt (and bare feet)! That is what I wore all summer and I've still been wearing them but with a cardiagan. haha I need to break-out the winter clothes!! I love skirts and sundresses most and in the winter I love jeans and twinsets....with pearls or course. :) I love loafers, boots and slingbacks so it depends where I'm going on the shoes! And the bags, don't get me started on bags....I have so many I love to switch around! And coats too! haha
    I don't care about name or price though, I just have to "love" them! :)
    Fun post!

  21. Great outfit! So you!

    My signature outfit is:

    simple, classic shirt
    fabulous scarf
    high heels
    an amazing bag that pulls it all together
