
Weekend Update

Saturday night Dr. M and I went to the Lights in the Heights Festival. The Heights is one of Houston’s eclectic neighborhoods. The homes are decorated with luminaries, lights, and wreaths. Many of the home owners feature a live band or musical performance on their front porch. Dr. M’s co-worker lives in The Heights and invited us to his party. When we arrived they had a band. All the band members are doctors so they named their band “Ultra Sound.” Very clever! I'm sad~ my pictures didn't turn out great.

I finished wrapping my Christmas presents this weekend. I love wrapping presents.

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  1. Sounds like a nice weekend. Impressed by all the wrapping you have done.

  2. That house is beautiful!! I love your presents so cute!!

  3. Looks like a fun evening! Dr Mark sounds nice, so of course he couldn't be straight. haha! I work with anesthesiologists every day in surgery and I have to say that most of the ones I've come across are jerks. It is nice to hear that there are some nice ones out there!

  4. Looks like a great weekend! Your wrapping is so pretty!!!

  5. Love the Waldorf-esque head band. You rock it well. Speaking of rock--that neighborhood sound so festive and fun. Chalk up some more points to Dr. M for having cool friends there!

  6. Your presents look beautiful!

    I tagged you over at my blog to tell us about your holiday traditions, if you'd like to participate.

  7. I love your headband! Your presents look great!!! I've got to start wrapping ASAP!

  8. Beautiful lights. I know you had a great time at the party. I see you love pink like I do. Your gift wrappings are cute.

  9. Well, I knew to expect this one after you told me what you posted. ;)

    Love the photos. You look so cute! Glad you had fun.

    The Christmas concert was amazing. So sad we were a little late and missed one of my fave songs, but it was still just beautiful!

  10. Oh, and your wrapping paper is really cute! Very you.

  11. Can you come wrap my presents, because I hate wrapping presents? I haven't even bought any yet...It's terrible!!

  12. That sounds like a fun evening! I love your wrapping paper and ribbons.

  13. Fun wrapping paper! What a fun neighborhood. It looks like you guys had a good time. Cute headband, btw!

  14. Wow, those trees are just beautiful! And I love the headband. I wish I could pull them off like you do! Why don't my wrapped gifts look like that? Mine look like a 7 year old did them.

  15. What a nice event to put you in the holiday spirit. The packages turned out really beautiful. They match so perfectly with the tree.
    Can't wait to see them in person.
    Love, Mom

  16. I know I know.. you aren't a couple... but seriously.. YA'LL ARE ADORABLE!!! ahhh! And I want that walkway...

  17. You look so pretty!

    I love the pink and green photo :)

  18. Oh I LOVE Lights in the Heights! It is so much fun! And I live right ear D'Amicos. I'll bet we run into one another sometime in town:) Merry Christmas, Jill!

