
Nastiness and A Funny Story


Last night I went to my friend, Maria’s house. Our plan was to exercise and possibly cook something healthy from the Hungry Girl Cookbook. Maria called to find out what time I was heading to her house. Here’s our conversation…

Me: I have to take a shower and then I’ll head to your house.
Maria: But aren’t we going on a walk/run?
Me: Yes.
Maria: And you’re going to shower before we exercise?
Me: Uh-huh.
Me: Okay, it’s Friday and I haven’t had a shower since Wednesday.
Maria: Ohhhh

Normally, I’m not nasty. I had a shower on Wednesday night. I should’ve showered on Thursday night but I got home from the L.A. trip and fell asleep. Friday I worked from home. Working from home is great and I wouldn’t change it for the world. However, I do crazy things. For example, not taking a shower until the afternoon and staying in PJ’s all day. So, my question to all my girly girl blog friends… Do y’all do anything nasty? Don’t be shy.

A Funny Story...

Yesterday Maria had a crazy morning. She was trying to get her 6 year old to school on time and get the trash out. Her son needed something in the garage before they headed to school, so Maria opened the garage door for him. The handle of the trash can attached to the handle of the garage door. As the garage door was opening, it pulled the trash can up with it. The door started jamming and making crazy noises. Maria ran to her car to get the garage door opener; she tried to stop it but it was too late. The garage door completely came off the track and the wheels were bent. As you can tell from the pictures we thought it was pretty funny. Maria’s husband didn’t agree. He came home from work and all the girls watched through the window as he tried to fix it (he did fix it~ it took about 4 hours). Maria told the girls it’s not her fault; it’s his fault. Taking out the trash is his job and he “forgot.” He He!

P.S. My brother just called me and ask me how to make a baked potato. Cute!


  1. Good for you for going out to exercise!.
    I need to get motivated a lot right now because it is cold and I just don't feel like getting in the car to go to the gym.

  2. There are times when Zoe & I don't leave the house all weekend. We both are often found in the same pj's from Friday night until Monday morning. Shhhh! Don't tell anyone, but yes, I have went three days without showering many times. If you're just smelling yourself, who cares?!!!!

  3. Hey I feel your pain, I work from home and it is always my goal to not look the same when my husband gets home from work as I did when he left. Those pictures are too funny! Sadly, my hubby would not find the humor either.....

  4. Sometimes on my day off I stay in pajamas all day and then am rushing to take a shower right before it is time to pick up my daughter from school.

    Did you ever figure out how to transfer your music from your iPod to your new computer? We have the same issue here.

  5. I showered on Thursday morning before work and didn't shower again until this afternoon. I was at home on Friday and was being a bum. I feel pretty grimy b/c I sweat excessively, so normally I feel like I have to shower every day. Baths just don't cut it for me.

  6. I wear my pj's to take my daughter to school everyday and never have brushed hair for the drive. Thank goodness all the moms just wave as they pass and can not really see inside my car.

  7. I love PJ days!!!!
    Check out my blog...there is a treat for you!!!!!!!!

  8. Hi - I linked to your blog from another while browsing today. I love the layout & I'm looking forward to reading more from a fellow Houstonian!

  9. Love this post! Work from home days are almost always PJ's all day for me and then shower the next morning.

  10. I love how honest you are in the post. : ) Yes I have definitely skipped a day.
