
The Weekend

My sister and I had a fun and busy weekend. Jenn arrived on Friday afternoon. We took an hour and a half power walk through the museum district. It was a great workout. My legs and feet were in pain. For dinner we had Greek, one of my favorites.

Saturday morning we picked up Kolaches for breakfast (not on weight watchers). Every time my sister comes to Houston, she wants Kolaches. Apparently, you can’t get Kolaches just anywhere. I never knew; they're really good! As we ate our breakfast, we drove around a historical district of Houston and looked at the homes. Here are some of our favorites. The pink house in the top left corner is my favorite.

After breakfast, we shopped (what we do best). After shopping, we came home for lunch and crafts. I made Panini’s. If you don't have a Panini maker, I highly recommend one; I use min all the time. I purchased it at B*d, B*th, and Bey*nd. I think it was $40-$50 and I used a 20% off coupon.

For our craft, we decorated Paper Mache wine bottle holders. I purchased the wine bottle holders at Hobby Lobby. We painted them and added scrapbook paper with decoupage. I forgot to take a "before" picture. Saturday night we were going to see Revoluti*nary R*ad but it was sold out. So, back to the mall! We picked up the grilled veggie salad from Calif*rnia Pizza Kitch*n and watched The Notebook. It was a great weekend. My sister used to have a blog; it was so funny. I'm trying to get her to start blogging again. Hope y'all had a great weekend!


  1. I love your cups; "If I keel over at Walmart drag my body to Neimans." That's hilarious.Your sister looks really nice and I love Daisy. We are coming down to Houston tomorrow. We are spending the night and we'll be house shopping Monday/Tuesday. Wish us luck!!!

  2. Sounds like you had a fun weekend!!!

    Your pooch is TOOOO CUTE! :)

  3. ok....love those houses!!! i want one!!
    cups are sooo cute!
    hope you guys had a good time!

  4. Sounds like you guys had SO much fun! I love the cups and the wine holders. I could def come play with you guys! xoxo

  5. Sounds like a great weekend! The pics of the historic homes are beautiful. Your sisters dog is so cute!

  6. I need one of those cups!!!! I'm glad you had a great weekend with your Sister! xx, Nina

  7. Yes, where did you find those cups? Too cute!

  8. Sounds like a very fun weekend with your sis!

  9. Very cute! I love the cups too! Sounds like a fun weekend and what are Kaloches?

  10. How fun to have your sister visit! Sounds like quite a delightful weekend!

    Have a great week Jill!

  11. Your sister weekend sounds like so much fun! Love the cup! hahaa

  12. It looks like you had a great weekend!

    I gotta ask though: What are Kolaches? :-)

    Love the Notebook! xoxo

  13. Sounds like you had a great weekend with your sister. The food and crafts look good and your niece is adorable. Glad you had a good time.

  14. It sounds like you girls have had a wonderful weekend! Your dog is adorable. I'm going to have to look into a buying a Panini maker.

  15. Cool post. I like your cups. Your niece is cute. haha. I want to get a panini maker.

  16. The cups made me laugh too!!!!! and you dog?? Stinkin adorable!!!!!! seriously!

  17. SUch a cute pooch! Love your wine holders - what a fun weekend :)


  18. What a fun weekend...I love those houses too!!

  19. How fun! Did you eat at Niko Niko? We tried to go last weekend and it was just too crowded to try to make it work with our three year old in tow! Greek is food for the Gods.

  20. Oh my gosh the crafts are so cute! I have that paper. It's the paper I used for my mom's birthday sign.

    Sounds like you had fun! :)

    The cups are really cute. Love them!

  21. What a great weekend with your sister! Those wine bottle holders turned out great!

  22. This sounds like so much fun. You guys did all my favorite things: shopping, exploring/walking, and crafts :)

  23. Kate and I eat Kolaches at least once a week. She loves the bacon and cheese and they are pretty exclusive to Houston (at least I have never seen them elsewhere). I am glad y'all had a fun weekend.


  24. It sounds like a wonderful weekend! I really like our panini maker too. We usually do grilled cheese and tomato. Yum.

  25. Glad you girls had a fun weekend. I don't know how you packed all of the fun stuff into 2 days. Daisy was the cherry on top of the whipped cream.
    Love, Mom

  26. You forgot to mention we had wine in our fabulous cups... great afternoon treat! Then, Jill decided to put wine in her monogram mug and bring it to the Galleria. great idea Jilly! oh by the way, I got kolaches AND donut holes on the way out of town

  27. love your blog. please check mine out at

