
Valentine's Day Girl's Night

Saturday night was our monthly Girl's Night. We started the night at Amy's house for a cocktail. Maria surprised us with a cute Valentine's Day goodie. Thanks, Maria!

We met Gretchen at a local Italian restaurant. We took a TON of photos~ as always. I'm sure the people sitting around us wondered what was going on.

My Dinner~Lasagna
Not on weight watchers but so worth it

When we left we realized Amy accidentally parked in a handicapped spot.

On the way back to Amy's house, we stopped at the grocery store for cake ingredients.

A Dare~Amy didn't push me around the store. We just took a few photos for laughs.

I'm so excited that Amy is making us a strawberry cake

Umm... Strawberry, White Chocolate Chip Cake.
It was so moist.

Relaxing before a game of Scattergories~ I dominated yet again.


  1. The shopping cart pic is out of control... love it. I also love the look of that delicious cake. I've yet to have any birthday cake, except I did treat myself to a cupcake and thumb print cookies Sat.

  2. It sounds like you had fun! That cart picture is too funny!

  3. that cake looks delicious. do you have the recipe?

  4. It looks like you ladies had a great night. I love V-day goodies and that pic of you in the cart is priceless. Cute headband!

  5. You are a trip! I totally "get" the taking pictures in the restaurant - what's to wonder about - like they couldn't tell you were babes, eh??

    And the shopping cart - hilarious?!?!!!!!!

  6. Oh you all look like you had a great time and a lot of fun. I like the idea of having a monthly girls night out. That cake looks really delish. :)

  7. I just love the action photo of you-you look so happy!

  8. This looks like SO much fun! I really wish I had a group of girls that I spent nights like this with. All of my close friends are separate and from different sections of my life.

  9. Sounds fun!! And you look adorable. I simply love your dress!

  10. That is so fun that you do a monthly girls night. What a great tradition. You girls are so cute!

  11. How fun! We are having a girls' night too on Valentines!

  12. LOL that picture of you excited is so cute! Love the gifts too - what a great idea! xoxo

  13. I LOVE this post. If I dare you to get in a shopping cart the next time I see you will you do it?

    That cake looks fantastic. I should make that with the girls. Can't think of anything cuter than a pink cake. Not sure how M (their 9 yr old brother) would feel about that one.

    I'm SO tired. Such a looooooong day with the kids. Talk soon.


  14. I thought we were going to get in trouble for a minute when the grocery store manager walked up to us. HAHA He just thought it was funny we were taking pictures! We should have taken pics of us playing Scattergories. I had fun Saturday night!!

    Maria <3<3

  15. I love the grocery cart pictures! We used to do that in college all the time for laughs ... kind of makes me want to do it again.

    And now I want strawberry cake. YUM! It looked delicious - I think I need to make one now.

  16. I'm with Jana, reminds me of college fun.

    I wouldn't trade girls nights out for anything in the world!

  17. Did you have too many cocktails? LOL - looks like a good time had by all!

  18. What a fun evening! Wish I was with you all ;)


  19. I LOVE strawberry cake---it reminds me of my childhood:)

    That Lasagne Looks SO good`may I ask where you went?
