
Favorite Candles & A Giveaway

I love candles, don’t we all? A few of my all time favorite candles are…

Henri Bendel- I love the unique scents Henri Bendel offers. These are a little expensive but you can find them at Bath and Body Works on sale from time to time.

Yankee Candle- Yankee is the brand I buy the most often. The prices are reasonable and they always offer specials and coupons. My favorite scent is Butter Cream, it makes the entire house smell delicious.

Trish McEvoy=Love. My friend, Tiffany, introduced me to these candles. I LOVE them! You can find Trish McEvoy Candles at Nordstrom and Niemans. They’re pricy but I’ve found them much cheaper on eBay. I love a deal!

Tyler Candle Company- Not only do these candles have cute names like Diva, Cashmere Elegance, Chateau, French Market, & Homecoming, they smell SO good. Their fragrances are unique and long lasting!

Since I love my blog friends and I’ve won a total of 5 giveaways since May, I’m hosting a Pay It Forward Giveaway for all my followers, current or new. The winner will receive an 11oz. Tyler Candle. The scent I chose for the giveaway is Orange Vanilla, one of my favorites. Tyler Candle Company describes the scent as- “Pure orange & rich vanilla bean blend together with a hint of spice to create an invitingly clean year round favorite!” It’s so yummy.

Basically, I’m too lazy to count multiple entries. To enter, just leave one comment and let me know you are a follower or you’ve just become a follower and tell me your favorite candle scent and/or brand. I’m always looking for new favorites. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, August 3rd.


  1. I love candles! Great giveaway! I bet that orange vanilla smells incredible! I'm a follower and I'll add this to my sidebar!!

  2. my favorite candle is yankee candle's macintosh apple. simple but soooooooooooooo good!

  3. I love me some candles!!! I'm a follower :)

  4. That sounds amazing! I'm a follower :)

  5. I'm a follower!

    I love the Henri Bendel- I think every kind is my favorite! If I'm being economical, I like the vanilla Wal-Mart knock off Yankee candles :)

  6. Hi Jill! You don't have to enter me because I already won a giveaway from you, but I wanted to let you know my favorite candle: pineapple orchid from Slatkin & Co at BBW!!! It is the most AMAZING smelling candle ever :) Seriously. Have a great week!!!

  7. great giveaway! I'm a follower :) I love Rendezvous soy candles... two of my favorites are: from the Travelesque collection - "Paris" (champagne cake) and from the Gathering Places collection - "Cabana" (Banana Palm).

  8. I don't buy candles that often but when I do they're normal vanilla flavored. I do have a caramel scented one I really like though. And I'm a follower

  9. Yankee Candle is my favorite as well.

    I'm a follower :)

  10. What a fun give-away
    !! :) Well, I am definitely a follower of your blog, and plan to continue! My favorite candles are by Wooden Wick and I love the Biscotti for my kitchen and Snow for my bathroom. Almost all of their scents are GREAT though!! They make yummy smelling difusers, too!

    Acorns & Cherry Blossoms

  11. Great giveaway, Jill! You know I'm already a follower and my favorite candle as of right now is Yankee Candle in Beach Walk.

  12. I'm a follower. :) Great giveaway...love candles!! My favorite is White Barn Cinnamon Vanilla. I think they were discontinued though because I haven't been able to find them lately. :(

  13. I love PartyLite, but Yankee runs a close second!

  14. What a great giveaway!! I am already a follower :)

  15. I'm a follower!

    I usually buy Yankee Candles but I've been seeking out a new scent lately... haven't found it yet though!

  16. Tyler candles are my favorite! I'm a follower!


    My fave candle scent is SABON's Vanilla Coconut.

    I'm a new follower.

  18. I LOVE Tyler candles and almost always get them as gifts. I was recently given a WoodWick candle (can find at CRACKER BARREL of all places) and it is DIVINE!!

    The scent is like the beach - and it has a woodwick .... so it crackles .. very nice in the winter time!

  19. Hi! I'm a fairly new follower! I'm a big fan of Yankee Candles, too. My favorite is probably the cinnamon and sugar scent. Mmm, it smells amazing!

  20. I love my mom's homemade Cotton Blossom soy candle. :)

  21. Yankee candles are my favorite. I love all the scents that come out around Thanksgiving like pumpkin pie and cinamon spice. I'm a follower.

  22. Another new look for your blog! This may be my favorite so far.

    I do love candles but they're one of those things I don't spend money on (unless I find what you call a "retail victory".)

  23. hey girl! i love fruity or vanilla. i can't handle any kind of floral scents b/c of allergies. of course, i'm a follower!!

  24. Hi Jill!!

    I just found your blog today and I love it!! You were added to my reader instantly!

    I used to be a scentsy consultant and I love most of their scents. Verbena Berry is definitely my favorite!

  25. Love candles! I'm a follower :)

  26. Love the Tyler candles! I love me some candles and I am a follower.


  27. Ooooh, I love my gardenia candle from the Tyler Company! Of course, I am a follower too!

  28. I'm a follower! Love your blog.

    I usually buy the cheap-o tea lights from Target. My favorite scent is the vanilla and they're fantastic to burn for just a few hours before you have company or something. They're not very attractive though, so the only trouble is you have to put them away before your guests arrive.

  29. Hello! I am a follower as of yesterday. You inspired me to purchase a monogram on etsy.com.

    I love the Tyler candles. They are very near and dear to my heart because my best friend gave me two for my birthday that smell like birthday cake!

  30. I'm a follower, and I LOVE candles too!! :)

  31. Ohhh I have heard of the Tyler candles but haven't smelled any of them yet!! I am a yankee candle type of girl and love soo many of their scents. Oh, and I am a follower!!

  32. What a great giveaway! Who doesn't love candles. I am a follower and my favorite candle is partylites black orchid

  33. Ok, I would LOVE to win this giveaway!! You see, I adore candles! The different scents remind me of different seasons! Tyler's "candy cane" scent that is offered at Christmas time is my FAVORITE!! I just love it!! Ironically, the scent you are giving away is also one of my favorites!!!

  34. I have been so MIA lately, but I love the new blog look :) Also, I love candles. I really like Yankee and Party Lite candles. I'm also a follower of course!

  35. I love candles. I am a follower and my favorite is HB. What a special treat - xxxx me
    Have a fabulous day!!!

  36. I love candles too! My favorites are Nectarine (Bath & Body Works), and Christmas Cookie (Yankee Candle). I use the Nectarine scent for summer and Christmas Cookie for the holiday season. I'm a new follower and am enjoying your blog.

  37. I'm obssessed with candles too! We even had custom ones made for the spa! I love Aquiesse Candles & Seda France the best since their exquisite packaging sets them apart

  38. I LOVE Voluspa...the Black something or other that Anthropologie carried about a year ago has been my favorite.

    I'm a follower. = )

  39. I Love Yankee candles..I can't wait for fall so I can light my pumpkin spice one! :)

  40. I'm a follower!!! My favorite candles come from Swan Creek Candle Company - Lime Basil for my kitchen is probably my fave! Great giveaway!

  41. I'm a follower.

    I love Yankee Candle too! I am a huge fan of anything vanilla.

    BUT, Home Interiors (when it was around--haven't heard of them in a while) had a cinnamon candle that I was in love with too. I think we still have a few around the house...but they smell delicious!

  42. I am follower! great giveaway...I like alot of scents..I like christmas cookies or any smell that reminds me of christmas!

    beccaz79 at hotmail dot com

  43. i just became a new follower!!!

    i have to say...I'm from Tyler originally...so as you can imagine....my family and i are a little obsessed with Tyler candles. I ALWAYS have a Kathina candle in my house! It has a great smell...almost like men's cologne! mmmmm....great giveaway!!

    check out my giveaway too!!! :)

  44. I LOOOOVE Buttercream from Yankee candels!

  45. OOOOOH Pick me! :-) Seriously, I'd be really rather delighted to win a candle give away. I am a follower (I think I signed up awhile back), and by the way, I LOVE so many of your ideas. Keep creating!


  46. First off, I love your blog background! Yellow is an awesome color :)

    My favorite candle is Mango Peach Salsa by Yankee Candle. It's great for the summer.

    Off to follow your blog ;)


  47. I'm a new follower and my current candle fav is by Aroma Naturals that I got from Whole Foods.

  48. sadly my fave candle is from a compagny that no longer exists.. it was a delicious blood orange scent, couldn't get enough of it and i have yet to find a decent replacement :( ive been a follower for a few months now, love the blog!

  49. I LOVE candles, especially the pretty ones they make around Christmas time. My favorites are anything cinnamon, or holiday smelling from Yankee Candle, so good! I'm already a follower. :)

  50. I LOVE Tyler candles. My mom and I were just talking about them the other day. I can only find them in one store in Charlotte. And orange vanilla??? YUM! Sounds perfect! I'm a follower, and my favorite candles for the fall/winter are Cinnabon candles, which can be found at WalMart for $5-$8 (seriously, don't judge, they're delicious).

  51. haha I am a follower and I like all scents! Well, most of them! But I love vanilla so I am sure the orange vanilla smells amazing!

  52. Hey - Ima follower! I don't think you'll be able to get this candle, but I love all of her scents. A lady named Kathy comes by our office periodically and sells home made candles. She has a little case with all of her little samples. We love sniffing through them. Right now I am burning her pumpkin spice candle.

  53. I LOVE all of these! Diva I have been buying for YEARS! I'm a follower! Enter me :) I pretty much love all the ones you said... :)

  54. Have you ever tried Capri Blue candles? So yummy!

  55. Hi Jill! I've been gone this week and I almost missed out on your cool "give away." I like the Trish McEvoy.

    How are you enjoying San Antonio? Next time I'm in town I'll let you know and we can meet for lunch. Would love see you.

  56. Oh, I love candles too! These are some of my favorites as well. Your blog is too fun. Thank you for following my blog and I am happy I am now following yours too!

  57. I love candles and I'm a follower. I love Yankee Candle Hazelnut coffee. It's retired now, but I can usually find it at the local Yankee Candle outlet. I put it in a large vase on top of fresh coffee beans and light it up. It smells like heavenly coffee throughout the entire house and looks pretty too!

  58. Love your blog, and great giveaway.

    My favorite brand is Trapp in orange-vanilla. I didn't know Yankee made an orange-vanilla scent until reading your blog.


  59. i've just become a follower! my favorite scent is firewood by henri bendel...just love it!

  60. Thank you for posting this! I once had a Tyler candle that I LOVEDDDD! I didn't realize it was a Tyler candle until I saw your photo and it jogged my memory! I'll have to order some now! :)

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