
New Favorite Things

I usually don't buy new beverages. I'm very happy with my diet coke, water, and wine. However, I was a Super Target a couple weeks ago and decided to try their Archer Farms Italian Soda. YUM...

My friend, Midnight Macaroons, suggested the Arbosana Olive Oil from The California Olive Ranch. Since Mrs. Macaroons is from the Northern CA area, I knew she was the expert and ordered a bottle right away. I LOVE it. It's great sprinkled on salads or used as a bread dipper.

Since The Southern Belles of Louisville and Tori and Dean Home Sweet Hollywood are over (cry), I've been watching Giuliana and Bill on the Style Channel. I've never been known for my wonderful taste in television shows. :)

So excited! The Tory Burch outlet opened in San Marcos. I stopped by today on my way home from Austin. I picked up these sandals 65% off. Retail Victory!


  1. I am enjoying Giuliana & Bill, too! They are so cute.

  2. oooh, those Italian sodas are so good!

  3. I love Guiliana and Bill! Great show :-) I'm also super jealous of the Tory outlet. I've never seen one of those!

  4. I'm actually surprised at many of the Archer Farms brand products that I like. I haven't tried the soda yet, but I will next time I drop by Target!! And thanks for the olive oil suggestion...I haven't found one that I really like for breads and salads yet, so I'll give it a try! :)

  5. ooooh lucky you, a Tory Burch outlet!! Love the sandals :)

  6. I'm going to have to try that italian soda! I have been watching G&B too!

  7. I'm so happy you like the olive oil. I'll gather some recipes that you can use your oil when entertaining. I'm going to have to try the Italian soda. Looks delish!

  8. I love trying new olive oils, so if I ever see anything from The California Olive Ranch I'll be sure to try it out

  9. love the sandals!!

  10. I've been watching G & B too. They are too funny! Loved his Italian speech!

  11. I LOVE Archer Farms Italian soda! I love most AF products! I'm sad those shows are over, too. I've not watched Giuliana and Bill yet..but I will! I'd like to try that Olive Oil. I'm always looking for a good one.

    Could you pick me up some Revas???? ;)

  12. Wish we had a Tory outlet here in Florida... I love your blog design!

  13. the soda looks delish!!! mmm I bet that olive oil is yummy!! I love cooking with olive oil!!!

  14. Very cute sandals!

    I've got to start watching Guiliana and Bill -- I'd heard that they had a reality show but didn't realize it was on yet.

  15. I'm loving those sandals, and I might have to try the soda too! :)

  16. I'll have to try that Italian soda at Target. That sounds really good! I haven't watched Giuliana & Bill yet, but it does look good. I am watching Khole & Kourtney though.

    I love the new Tory sandals and would love to have an outlet near me.

  17. WHY?!?! Why must you torture me. I LOVE that soda. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE San Marcos. Time to pout.

    Like the new look :)

  18. Oh I love that Italian Soda! I randomly picked some up one day and it is AMAZING!
