
Weekend Update

Last weekend my friend Tom, his wife Nicolle, and their baby came to San Antonio for a visit. I've worked with Tom for 11 years. I've always said he's like an older brother to me. Last June Tom and Nicolle were married. She is so sweet and I'm so happy they found each other. Nicolle lived in Guatemala for 2 years helping underprivileged kids. So, we had lots to talk about. :)

I was worried about their visit because they live in Wisconsin, where the summers are nice. It's been so hot in Texas, 100 degrees or higher most days. We did a lot of outdoor activities but we survived. We visited the San Antonio Missions, the Riverwalk, the Alamo, and Old Market Square. We took a walking tour through the King William District (beautiful old homes), we took a boat ride, and we had lots of good food.

I wasn't ready for them to leave on Sunday. That's good friends! :)


  1. Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! Very cute!

  2. Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! Very cute!

  3. I'm ready for fall! I'm glad you all had a good time despite the heat!

  4. Just stumbled onto your blog from Jules at Chic N Pink and wanted to say hi. Your blog is super cute! I love, love, love San Antonio!

  5. Love San Antonio! Those are some great spots!

  6. Looks like you had a great time!!! :)

  7. looks like a fun time! I'm sure you were the best host :)

  8. I'm so glad that you had a nice weekend! The baby is so cute.

  9. Wow! Sounds like a great weekend!! I love the pictures!

  10. What a fun weekend! Those margaritas look so good! (I probably shouldn't be saying that this early in the morning though)

  11. The heat here in Alabama is terrible too. And the humidity, don't get me started! Glad you had a great time with your friends. I love your blog!

  12. How are you liking San Antonio? I'd love to hear more about your transition! :)

  13. I love seeing new friends!

    And your new blog design is gorgeous!! I adore the header. :)

  14. your pictures look like you had a blast of a weekend.


  15. How fun! I've done all the touristy things in SA a dozen times, but I never grow tired of it.

  16. sounds like a great weekend!
    very cute pics!!
    you look chic as usual!!!

  17. Your friends seem really nice and they have the cutest baby. Glad to see you had a great visit.

  18. Aww, it sounds like y'all had a really great time! My brother was stationed in San Antonio a few years ago before his unit was deployed to Iraq. I went to visit him while he was there and we went to The Alamo and Riverwalk. I loved it! I'm sure your friends really enjoyed their visit. :)

  19. I love that baby!! I am glad they had a good time in texas :)

  20. And I love love love your painted furniture - you rock!! Tutorial, please :)

  21. Hi I found your blog through Wwearing Mascara blog friend. You have a fabulous blog! The work you do regarding missions is amazing!
