
I Love this Show

I usually stick to girly (trashy) television shows. Last year I was hanging out at my friend Lindsay’s house. She had Curb Your Enthusiasm on the TV. I was hooked. I couldn’t break away from the show, which is extremely unusual. When I watch TV 99% of the time I’m doing something else like playing on the computer, doing an expense report, looking through a magazine, painting my nails, etc...

Curb is so interesting, random, and funny. The problem is I’m too cheap to pay for HBO. It just doesn’t make sense when I spend at least half the week in hotel rooms. I’ve caught a few episodes in hotel rooms but not enough.

This is sketchy and I probably shouldn’t even write it. A couple weeks ago I had a dream I was making out with the main character in Curb. Yes, that would be the guy in the photo above. YIKES! I promise he’s not my type or what I’m looking for. I just really love this show.

Last week I purchased Season 1 and I love it. Do y’all watch Curb? What show is not your typical show but you completely love it?

P.S. Guess what, I just heard that Curb will be airing on the TV Guide Network starting February 2010.


  1. I've never seen it (I don't have HBO either) - I'll have to check it out on Netflix.

  2. i don't know about a show that i watch that doesn't fit "me", but i do love the rocky movies (yes all of them and i have the whole set if you and danielle want to watch them this weekend!) and i also love scary movies! loved all the scary movies on cable the week before halloween! those are probably my two most random things i watch. i've never seen curb, but maybe i'd like it???

  3. We have heard really good thigns about the show, so we netflixed all of the seasons. It has been on for a long time, I guess I am out of the loop.

  4. LOVE curb! my husband has been obsessed about it and I've always resisted but I finally gave in and I don't know what I was thinking all that time! It's SO funny! I'm LOVING this season with all the guest stars and the "seinfeld reunion"! great show!

  5. Hahahaha. That's hilarious. I can so NOT see you with Larry David {OBVIOUSLY!}

  6. I've heard that show's good! I don't get HBO though so I've never seen it... I wonder if it's on Netflix?

  7. I've had those dreams too. What do they mean? In my dream I wasn't kissing the guy from Curb but Hyde from the 70's show. What's up with that?

  8. I've half-watched the show a few times, but have always been too distracted to really pay attention. Maybe I should try harder next time..

    PS- I finally made your shrimp etoufee recipe this weekend and it was FABULOUS! I will definitely be making it again. I just posted about it on my blog =) Thanks again for the recipe!

  9. I've never watched it...I don't have it on HBO, but I might try to rent it or something sometime to check it out!

  10. I’ve heard nothing but great things about that show and I really should start watching it, since it’s the creator of Seinfeld (I loved that show). Isn’t so strange the people that make guest appearances in your dreams sometimes? The show I never thought that I would watch but do is It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Geof used to go on and on about it and now I love it.

  11. I love this show. I also like Arrested Development. The shows have similar styles. I was SO dissapointed when they stopped making Arrested Development.... If you haven't seen it you should check it out. We watched it via our Netflix subscription.
