
Project 52~ Week 10 (a little late)

Think I have a problem? At least it's not beer.


  1. Haha. You and your diet coke. Love it :)

  2. That is the way to do it and that’s how it’s done in our house too. Love it! I’m so bad that I even enter the codes for Coke points. I had so many at one time that I cashed it in for a $50 Sephora gift card.

  3. Love it! That's what my garage looks like. My neighbors either recognize my addiction or think I'm in the vending machine business.

  4. I think we have the same addiction! :)

  5. Glad it's not booze or we would have to stage an intervention for you..lol :)

  6. I love it! That's how I am with my Diet Mtn. Dew. And when it goes on sale....

  7. my trunk looks like this too, except mine IS beer..

    ..but only because i work for a beer company, not because i drink it all ;)

  8. hahaha!!! I love diet coke as well, but this picture reminds me of my best friend's trunk! She is a true addict!

  9. I gave up soda for Lent...at first, it wasn't easy, but now I am not missing it much, which is a good thing, I think!

  10. Hahahahahaha!!! So funny. We do the same thing!!

  11. I'm more of a diet pepsi girl myself!

  12. I'm the same way...but with diet pepsi!!!

  13. P.S. I left you an award on my blog.

  14. I'm that way about Canada Dry Green Tea. I'm seriously addicted. The Kroger by our house ran out so my husband called the distribution center in Houston. He purchased every single case left in the warehouse for me. We have it stored up around the walls of our garage. It makes parking the car very interesting. I can only imagine what the neighbors think, ha.

    What kind of car is that? That's a tiny trunk.

  15. Too funny! I'm guessing you like Diet Coke? Just a little. :)

  16. lol DC? who knew this about you?. lol

  17. just in the last year have i discovered the goodness that lies within a diet coke can. mmmm. okay, so i just found your blog and it's presh. i'm convinced that you must know my sister-in-law (cindy foote)?! she lives in san antonio, and adopted a baby girl from china!!! if you don't know each other, you should. : ) i'm your newest follower.

  18. lol!! i have the same problem...but with regular coke!!
