
The last few weeks I've been cleaning out my apartment. It’s not fun! I need to get better at putting things where they belong immediately; I'm so bad at this. For example, if I have an expense report to file I just put it on top of the filing cabinet. I let the pile get huge before I actually take the time to file it, (not that it takes that much time).

I have a small trunk where I keep sentimental items. It contains mostly cards and letters but I have saved a few other things as well. I was putting my most recent cards in the trunk and decided to look through it. It's so interesting and funny what I've saved over the years.

A "Thank You" Plaque from the City of Jinjiang in Fujian, China.
They gave everyone in our group this plaque for volunteering at an orphanage in 2006. Very Sweet.

My 30th Brithday Party Invitation and Tiffany's (BFF) 30th Party Invitation

Playbill from Phatom of the Opera in London

My Sister's Wedding Program, Save the Date, Bridemaid's Luncheon Invite,
Letters, and Thanks You's. I just love how she did everything~ Cute, Classy
and most important Sweet.

I laughed a little because I saved the Newsweek Special Edition honoring JFK Jr. right after he passed away in 1999. JFK Jr. is the best looking man I’ve ever seen. My mom think so too! If I tell my mom about a guy I've met sometimes she asks, "Does he look like JFK Jr.?" :) I remember where I was when his plane crashed. I was in Chicago for the weekend visiting a friend. I was really sick to my stomach about it and I kept saying, "They’ll find him. They'll him find him." My friend said, “Well, it’s not looking good.” I was so sad! I referenced JFK Jr. in this post too! So, who is the best looking man you've ever seen (dead or alive)?


  1. I remember where I was, too, and I took it very hard. I couldn't believe people weren't move concerned about his whereabouts. Such a tragedy.

  2. He was SO handsome. So sad what that family has been through. I feel so badly for Caroline.

    I don't know who I think the most handsome man is/was. JFK JR is definitely up there. Good question. I'll have to think about that one.

  3. I love JFK Jr.. He was so handsome. I feel so badly for his family and his wife's family too. To lose two daughters and a son-in-law in one day....my heart really goes out to them.

  4. Maybe I should go thru some of my things :) I love doing that kind of stuff. I just need to get it in all one place!

  5. Love the things you've saved! I never throw away fun and memorable things, like that, regardless of how much space they make take up. Can't say the boyfriend likes it too much :)

    And JKF Jr isn't exactly my type - but I did the same thing when Heath Ledger died. So sad!

  6. That trunk is so amazing! I love it! I have the same kind of thing, except it's a box. Eww... I need something a little cooler to put my sentimentals in. Don't you just love going through the stuff that you thought was important enough to save? {Well, for me, that is the case... I was just thinking, "Why on earth did I think it was necessary to keep this?!} And of course things that I am so glad I kept! :) Very fun!

  7. I remember him as a down to earth person. He'll never be forgotten.

    I've tagged you on my blog!!

  8. Hi Jill!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I am so excited about this swap and already have a LOTS of things in mind for you! I spent last night reading almost your entire blog -- you are just ADORABLE!!

    Can't wait .....

    PS ~ My daughter's name is Kennedy ... b/c I was looking at a book and JFK Jr's picture was in it and I thought -- what a cool name for a girl .. and there you have it! See, we are kindred spirits :) I was in a college class the day he died. Our professor was so upset he cancelled class. It was SO sad.

  9. I was heartbroken when my "boyfriend's" plane went down! He seemed like a cool guy and easy on the eyes!

    I also admired his mom's classic style. I tried to do a whole Jackie O look right after college when I was really pinching my pennies...I had to settle for being a poor man's Jackie O -- but the look is still SO timeless!

    I love me some Kennedys!

  10. Is that your trunk pictured? I love it!

  11. you are too cute jill!! he was a gorgeous man!!

  12. I agree with you. JFK was beautiful. Inside and out.
