
Christmas Tree Finally Up

Tonight I finally decorated my Christmas tree. Since my tree is only 4 feet tall, decorating it is not a big project. I was hoping it would be nice and chilly outside while I was decorating the tree. Today was kinda hot but cool front decided to blow through right when I started decorating. Yay! I opened the windows to make my apartment really cold. Is that weird? It just doesn’t feel like Christmas when it’s hot outside. I should be used to it; I grew up in the Houston area. One year it was so hot on Christmas morning my entire family wore shorts.
Update: Thanks for the compliments on the diet coke ornament. My friend, Lindsay, gave it to me about a month ago. I think she purchased it at Berings Hardware in Houston. Isn't it too cute??? My mom just called me and ask me if I put a diet coke can on the tree. Wow~ I must have a serious problem for her to think that. Maybe next I'll make diet coke garland for the mantel. :)

Yay... cold air blowing in!!!

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  1. It really is SO you. OF COURSE you have a diet coke ornament! Haha. Love it :)

    I am totally with you on needing it to feel chilly to feel like Christmas.

    I got a puffy vest, and every time I wear it, I feel like I am dressed to go get a tree, or go hang out in a ski lodge.

  2. I love it! I want the 4ft white tree from walmart. I can just see it decorated in my head. How cute is that diet coke ornament??

  3. cute, cute, cute! love the pink tree! i have the same diet coke ornament!

  4. Pink trees and diet coke, my kinda gal! Love it all. AND your yummy cookies I got in the mail yesterday! Mmmmm....

  5. Your tree is so cute. I'm partial to pink myself. I like it to be cold when I'm decorating my tree to. I also have to have egg nog and Christmas music when I'm doing it. Really cute. I love it.

  6. Cute tree Jill, I'm glad the whole cold-air thing happened! haha (you're too funny)

  7. And of course you'd have a perfectly cute, petite pink tree!

    Love the GOP ornament; I need one, too. (It reminds me of shrinky dinks.)

  8. Your tree looks so cute!

  9. Love the pink tree. It really turned out nice.
    Love, Mom
