
Holiday Cookie Swap

I participated in the Holiday Cookie Swap hosted by Monogram Chick. I mailed my cookies a few days ago and forgot to include the recipe in the box. Oooppps! I was really worried about packing the cookies tight enough so they wouldn't arrive broken. Sorry if they’re broken girls. I made decorated sugar cookies and I used my mom’s recipe. She’s had this recipe for years and has tweaked it over the years to make it deliciously, perfect. You really should try this recipe. My mom was a Home Economics major… she’s good!

It's hard to tell in this picture but my mom has made her own notes all over the page.

Aunt Lady’s Sugar Cookies

1 ½ sticks butter
¾ cup shortening (I use Crisco Butter flavor)
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons of vanilla
Pinch of salt
2 cups regular flour
2 cups self-rising flour

Mix butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla. Slowly add flour. Chill for at least one hour. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface about 1/4” thick. Cut with cookie cutters. Bake cookies at 350 for about 10 minutes (maybe a little less time for smaller cookies).

I used to get so frustrated rolling out cookie dough, until someone recommended a rolling pin cover and a pastry cloth. I'll never again roll out dough without it.

After the cookies come out of the oven and they’re completely cool. Spread lightly with cream cheese icing.

Cream Cheese Icing Recipe
1 8oz package cream cheese
4 cups powdered sugar or a whole small box
½ stick butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

Next place your iced cookies in a air tight container overnight. If you think your cookies are hard, don't throw them away. The cream cheese icing soaks into the cookie~ making it really delicious! You can add food coloring to the cream cheese icing and add sprinkles before you place them in the air tight container and you're done. I used to add my food coloring to the cream cheese icing but then I learned a new trick.

After the cookies have been sitting in the air tight container overnight, we add a second layer of icing. I got this icing idea from Lori. Use the recipe for "Royal Icing" from the Wilton Meringue Powder can. Use less meringue power than the recipe calls for, add a small amount of vanilla, and a touch of soft butter. I add vanilla and butter until it taste right, not sure exactly how much.

Add food coloring to the royal icing and spread on top of the cream cheese icing. Then decorate. There is a purpose for having two types of icing. The cream cheese icing softens the cookies and adds great flavor. The royal icing goes on smooth and makes a pretty, more professional looking cookie.

The final product.
This is a really long process but it's so worth it. The cookies are really good!

I think decorating cookies is much harder than it looks. It takes a lot of practice. These are all my mess-ups and broken cookies~ or the cookies my dad and brother were allowed to eat. Luckily, the guys don't really care how the cookies look.


  1. Those are beautiful! I'll have to make those one of these days.

  2. Mmmm...can not wait to get home tonight and eat more of these! Thanks again!

  3. Those came out SO cute. And I love the pink WS mixing bowl :)

  4. Those look yummy! It is a lot of work, but so worth it. I'm sure those receiving them will be thrilled!!I was laughing because I always make my boys (including hubby) eat the broken or mis-shaped ones first! haha

  5. They are so pretty! Love the pink bowl and spatula!

  6. I would kill for some of your cookies!!! I LOVE them!

  7. the cookies are beautiful! i plan on doing some holiday baking and your cookies just made the top of the list! thanks!

    and isn't wilton's powder just some of the coolest stuff!?

  8. Beautiful cookies!! Sound awesome!

  9. I'm very impressed by those cookies. Impressed and intimidated! Can I get a rolling pin cover at Bed Bath & Beyond?

  10. Wow your cookies look great and they look really, really delicious. I love decorating cookies myself and you are so right, they do take a lot of time. Nice job on them.

  11. a. Megan & I are definitely going to attempt to make those next week. They look superyummy!

    b. I just tagged you on my blog. Sorry. :)

  12. I think your cookies look so pretty! They ARE very hard to decorate! Martha makes everything look too easy!

  13. Your sweet comment is undeserved because you know how many mistakes I make. Funny how we gobble down the cookie failures as fast as we gobble down the cookie successes.
    Love, Mom

  14. aren't you fabulous, and of course you're so cute with your pink w.s. mixing bowl and spatula! beautiful cookies, jill!

    thanks for participating, your partners were lucky to have you! :)
