
Alphabet Meme

My friend Andrea posted an Alphabet Meme on her blog. Since I'm working in town this week and bored out of my mind, I thought I would play along. I am supposed to post something about myself or something I like corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.

A- Aprons

B- Bubble Baths

C- Condiments~ I'm not kidding... my refrigerator is full on condiments and no food.

D- Day of Our Lives~ Back in the day, I went to afternoon kindergarten. Before my mom dropped me off, we'd have lunch and watch Days. I record it everyday.

E- Elope~ When the day comes and I get married, I really want to elope. The key word being, "want." I realize it may not happen; I could end up with a wedding. Be careful what you say you'll never do, right?

F- Faith~ My faith is the most important thing in my life.

G- Gossip Girl~ Such a good show.

H- Handwritten letters

I- International Adoption. I can't wait!

J- Jet Setting~ I'm home for two weeks.... what will I ever do with myself?

K- Kids~ Well, kinda.

L- Legally Blonde~ The movie and the musical.

M- Mizuno~ The best running shoes! I might purchase a new pair this week.

N- New York City

O- OPI Nail Polish

P- Picture Taking

Q- Quilts

R- Real Housewives of Orange County~ I don't think it's a secret that this is one of my favorite television shows, ever. Next week is the season finale. Cry! Tueday nights won't be the same.

S- Swoozies

T- Thunder Storms

U- Upgrades~ I fly so much for work, I often get upgraded to first class. It really makes my day!

V- Vintage Finds

W- Wine

X- TeXas~ Okay, I had to get creative on this one.

Y- Y’all~ A great word.

Z- Zucchini~ One of my favorite veggies.


  1. You did a great job with this list. I like OPI nail polish, bubble baths, Gossip Girl, and zucchini too.

  2. This is such a great list! I didn't realize how much we had in common :)

  3. Did you see last night's episode of Housewives? I think Vickie treats her husband terrible. She's not very nice to him. And does anyone else notice that Gretchen wears a lot of yellow? What's up with that? She's annoying....Could you go to Vegas and leave your sick husband at home? She's a gold digger for sure. Do you like the Housewives of NYC? I like the NYC better than OC. Bethany is my favorite. But Simon is creepy.

    OPI nail polish is awesome!!! I just bought "Kreme de la Kremlin" at Sephora last night. It's perfect for a pre-spring color.

  4. Great list....I am a huge Days fan and guess what??........I eloped!!!!!!

  5. danielle the amazing design lady sent me your link... love your blog and enjoyed reading this list!

  6. Great job - very creative!
    I love Mizunos too - they are all I wear. Even my softball cleats are Mizuno. (and pink!)

  7. Oh I love all of your alphabet meme faves. Zuchinni is one of my favorite vegetable to. I usually like stir fry it with some onion, garlic and some red peppers-it is delicious. :)

  8. LOVE the real housewives. such good drama....can't get enough. and opi....it's all i wear. i am currently wearing miami beet. super cute. you did such a great job of coming up with stuff for each letter of the alphabet. very impressive. hope you are doing well and that you come visit again soon!


  9. there isn't a concert I want to go to more but my joblessness does not allow for such important frivolties sadly. I also would love to see Taylor swift. both of their la shows sold out within minutes.
    obviously I had to put whitney. she and I are the same person hahaha.

  10. Awesome list!! I love zucchini too! my dad would prepare me some with queso fresco on top...delicious!!

  11. you got me started on the real housewives of the oc, darn you. now i've been sucked in. :)

    are you still watching days? i used to record everyday but I really HATE john. his eye smolder makes me want to tear my own eyeballs out. although i have heard he and marlena are out now.

  12. Where oh where did you find that apron? That is the cutest thing ever!

  13. I saw this on Andrea's blog and it is so cute. Good job on all of the letters. It is fun getting to know more fun things about my bloggy friends!

  14. Love the photo of the PINK crosses ...and the red wine ;)


  15. Very creative! That apron is pretty cute.
    Love, Mom
