

Last week I got the cutest announcement in the mail. This week M.A.C Cosmetics introduced a Hello Kitty line. It's too cute! If you're interested in purchasing any of the products, hurry to the M.A.C store or the online store. They're already running out of products.

Hello Kitty was introduced in 1974. She is 34-35 years old. So, she's for us older girl's too!

Cute Announcement

The Hello Kitty Collection

Items I Purchased Today

Isn't this Powder Cute?


  1. Oh those are too cute. I love "Hello Kitty". I like your purchases to, reall nice. Thanks for the heads up on the product. Hey have you ever seen "Hello Kitty" earrings? I haven't, but I was just wondering if they were out there.

  2. So cute! Thanks for sharing, I love cute Hello Kitty stuff.

  3. This is so cute! I'm heading to MAC tomorrow to check it out - thanks for the heads up!

  4. You're not going to want to use the powder cause the cute kitty will disappear :-(

  5. is this your first beauty powder purchase? they are awesome! so shimmery and they are theperfect highlighter.

    i've got some stuff in my cart and i'm just debating on whether to purchase. it stinks not having a mac store nearby anymore.

  6. Those are so cute! I love MAC.

  7. How cute is that! I wanted to let you know where to get the bibs, they are great quality and come really fast. I order them for everyone who has a baby they are easy to mail to. the site is www.julianneoriginals.com/
    Have a great weekend and a Happy Hearts Day.

  8. I had fun checking out your blog! Love the cutsie Hello Kitty MAC stuff!

    Happy Friday!

  9. I can't wait to go get mine!

  10. This new line is too cute! I love how girly it is.

  11. My god daughter's mom sent me the email add about the new Hello Kitty Mac makeup. She informed me that Bridget (who is just 4!) went crazy over it. Good thing I was a smart god mother and bought her a little girl HK makeup kit for Valentine's day ;)


  12. Hello Kitty is growing up. I guess she is following her customers from childhood through adulthood.
    So cute!
    Love, Mom
