
Chinese Cooking Class

Friday night my friend Lindsay and I went to a cooking class at Central Market in Houston. Last summer I helped Lindsay decorate her house. As a thank you Lindsay purchased me a Chinese Cookbook by Dorothy Huang and Chinese cooking class taught by Dorothy. Soooo sweet. She really didn't have to do anything for me. I loved helping her. Decorating doesn't feel like work to me.

The cooking class was SO much fun. Seriously, it was the most fun I've had in a long time. Central Market has locations in the DFW area, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. If you have a Central Market in your area, you should definitely take a cooking class. I promise you'll love it!

If you're interested in Chinese Cooking, this is a great cookbook!

The Menu for the Evening~

Fried Wontons

Kung Pao Chicken

Stir Fried Vegetables

Beef Fried Rice

Almond Cookies

Lindsay and I got to help Dorothy make the Fried Wontons. I'm so glad we were picked to make the Wontons. They were the most complicated thing we made in the class and I'm glad I we got hands on practice. They're really delicious!

Okay~ Friday I was having such an off day. I looked SO bad....my make-up didn't go on right. My hair was a mess and I looked pregnant in this baggy shirt. I really don't think I'm going to wear this shirt again. I'm DONE with it!

Isn't Dorothy cute? I just want to take her home.


  1. Fun!

    Love HEB, Love Central Market! I remember when they first opened in Houston and the ads on the radio seemed to be speaking to me, to come work for them. I was more of a foodie then (BK.) We finally got a huge HEB in Silverlake and I could not be happier...my son even begs me to take him there.

  2. First of all, you look adorable-nothing wrong with you in that picture.
    It sounds like you had a great time at the cooking class. The menu sounds delicious and that wonton looks good. I'm glad you had a good time. Maybe my mom, sister and I will do something like that. I think it would be a great idea to do for Mother's Day, since all of us are mothers. What a great idea, thanks for sharing.

  3. yummy!! never been there before!!

    cute pic!your sooo cute!

  4. So fun. I really want to take a cooking class!

  5. Dorothy is cute but you look great too! There is nothing wrong with your outfit, shirt or make-up. I think you look fabulous, as always!

  6. I love Central Market! They had one in Washington and I could spend hours in that store. This class sounds like so much fun. Yummy food! I love wontons.

  7. And you look adorable! I thought you looked super cute when I first saw that picture.

  8. You look great, so I don't know what on earth you're talking about ;)
    The cooking class looks like it was fun and the menu for the evening sounds delicious!

  9. How fun! I'd love to take a cooking class! And, you look absolutely adorable!

  10. how awesome! you girls look so pretty! what a great time :)

  11. Oh man I love Central Market! When I visit Fort Worth I always have to stop in! Yummm.. I've never taken a cooking class, how fun!

    thank you for the compliment!

  12. How fun. I love taking cooking classes, but haven't done so in many years.
    Darling photo of you!


  13. That sounds like so much fun! I would love to take a Chinese cooking class because I LOVE chinese food and my wallet would appreciate the break.

    I don't think you look bad in that picture, I think you look like a cute girl going to a Chinese cooking class! I love the cardigan and pearls. And I really like that shirt too.

  14. I think you look cute! I've always wanted to do a cooking class. How fun!

  15. Don't be done with the shirt - you look great!

  16. you look super cute! (don't throw out the shirt! :) ) the menu looks so yummy too, glad you had fun!

  17. What a special experience - such a thoughtful gift from Lindsey. The food looks delicious and hard to make. You girls look beautiful and that includes your precious teacher.
    Love, Mom
