
I Wish I Could Sew

My parents were in the Houston area last weekend visiting friends. They came by my house on Sunday afternoon for a visit. My mom loves, loves fabric. She was Home Economics major in college and taught Home Economics after college. I WISH I could sew they way she does.

My mom has tried to teach me how to sew. I can do a few things but I'm terrible. A couple of years ago I purchased some fabric and a dress pattern. I cut out the pattern at my house and brought it to San Antonio to sew. My mom and I worked on it together and finished it. It fit me perfect but too bad I picked a weird printed fabric. I thought the printed fabric would make a cute dress and it just didn't work. A sweet lady from my church was going to Haiti to volunteer and ask for some clothing donations. The first dress that I ever made is in Haiti... I just couldn't keep it.

Last year my mom and I went fabric shopping in Fredericksburg, TX. We ended up with these pieces for a dress that she made for me.

The final result~ my profile picture.

Sunday my mom wanted to shop at High Fashion Fabrics. I was not planning on buying anything; so of course I left with a bag of fabric! Luckily, it was small bag. We found this really cute Asian Child Print with coordinating fabrics. The plan is to someday make a quilt for my daughter. I told my mom she has about 7 years to work on it since I'm not even close to that point in my life. Boo Hoo! I usually don't buy things for the future. However, this fabric was so cute we were scared when we actually want it, it would no longer be available.


  1. Hi Jill-
    I was going through the giveaway entries for today and I saw your question! First, thanks for stopping by and yes, I do sell them. I have so much fun painting them but a girl can only have so many signs herslf! (I have one for every holiday and quote you could imagine) Anyways...from there a little company was born! Thanks again!

  2. Hey love!

    I wish I could sew too - sigh.. if only for little things like hemming jeans for my short legs. Oh well. I love that dress your mom made btw and it completes your profile picture!


  3. Wow, believe it or not my mom is a seamstress to. She had her own business, but now is retired. She also tried to teach me how to sew, but I guess it just wasn't for me. I even bought a sewing machine, but I got frustrated about threading it, so I returned it and got my money back.
    It's amazing that you have posted about sewing, because recently my mind was on sewing a lot. I'm still thinking about giving it another try. I only want to learn enough to put together handbags and totebags. Just the basics will do me fine. We'll see.
    What a cute picture by the way and those fabrics are pretty.

  4. I didn't realize your mom made that dress! How amazing!

  5. I wondered about that dress; I think its so pretty and girly. It's got a twirling skirt as my niece would say.

    Those fabrics are just too perfect for your future daughter!

    (Skanky Nachos, huh? Might be using that one.)

  6. I love your dress, your Mom is so talented!! I love the fabric that you picked out, it is so unique and pretty! I got my letters in the scrapbook section at Michaels. I love them, I think they were 3 or 4 dollars

  7. Thanks for all of your sweet comments. I just wish I was faster with sewing. You are a much better seamstress than you think. I won't let you give up. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and wish it could have been longer. The pizza was delicious too.
    Love, Mom

  8. I have a lot of respect for those who know how to sew well. I took a sewing class last Spring and it was much more difficult than I anticipated. Fredericksburg is awesome. I love shopping for linens out there. Has your mom shopped at Pocket of Posey in Fredericksburg? They have great fabrics. :)

  9. I wish I could sew too. My MIL is so good, she made my flower girls dress. I wish she lived closer so I could get some dresses.

  10. I love, love, love your profile picture and dress. go jill's mom for her mad sewing skills.

    love the fabric! the only place we have here for fabric is hancock. we don't have a joanns or hobby lobby and even our walmart doesn't sell fabric.

  11. I love that you're making a quilt for the future. It's an act of faith and hope! :)

  12. Oh - I love fabrics and sewing! I don't have as much time to as I would like, but it is fun to create things. I bet you do a great job!

  13. I've been to that fabric store before. They had so many cute prints! Love the fabric you bought.

  14. I finally got my first sewing machine - I used to sew everything by hand - and I love it. I would totally help you if we were neighbors. I am so obsessed right now I am looking for fun new projects.

  15. High Fashion Fabrics sounds like my kind of shop! Great fabrics, Jill!

  16. Oh what a fun way to spend the afternoon together! The fabrics you bought are sweet and I think it's a great idea (and a great act of faith) to use for your daughters quilt.
    Do not give up on the sewing Jill, you'd be surprised at how much you really are learning and you might find at another point in your life that it comes easier for you...that is what happened to me.
    Sorry to hear about your accident...those are always scary! I hope everything works out and I have to confess I was cracking up at picturing you, still ladylike of course, scootin across to use the passenger-side door. lol

  17. my mom sews and it makes me sick! she makes a lot of kennedy's outfits and i can't even sew a darn button on!!!...lol! love the fabrics....we have the same taste!!! you'll have to show us the end result!!!

  18. asian fabric...total cuteness! love it! hope your real car recovers soon so you are back to power locks and windows!!

  19. gorgeous dress!! i think practice does make perfect with sewing... :) I am like needing to practice for the next 50 years!! good luck with it! I am sure you are better than you think. :)

  20. I wish I could sew also. Taking a sewing class has been on my 'to list' for years now!

