
Great New Television Show

Did anyone see the "Southern Belles: Louisville" on Soap Net last night? If you like the Real Housewives series and The Hills, you'll like this show. Set your DVR's for Thursday night and check it out!

P.S. My friend, Dr. Mark, called me and asked me the name of my blog. I told him and he said, “No wonder I couldn’t find it on-line, I’ve been googling Peeptoe Shoes and Ribbons.” Ha!


  1. Oooh, I'll have to check this out. It sounds like a good one. I love what Dr. Mark thought your blog was called...too funny. Hubby and our frind Cory make fun of my blog sometimes and call it "chick" n pink. They're silly like that!

  2. haha! Yep, I wrote about that show too! It's pretty amusing, isn't it? Also..how cute about your friend and the blog name! ;)

  3. no I didn't see it...I'll have to check it out.

  4. I missed it . I could not figure out what channell and time it was on hopefully I can catch some repeats

  5. I watched it ... and loved it.

  6. haha! That is hilarious. Its funny what people will google when searching for blogs.

  7. Also saw a post about this on another blog and I am so going to tune if IF I have the SOAP channel...not sure if I do, but fingers crossed.

  8. Thanks for the heads up on the new t.v. series. I'm going to watch it this Thursday.

    That's so funny how Dr. Mark called it Peeptoe and Ribbons. Tell Dr. Mark he's famous in blog land, LOL!

  9. I'm so sad I missed the premiere. I've been dying to watch. I hope they replay it!

  10. I'm glad to hear it's good - I'll be needing a Hills replacement! I have seen it advertised everywhere but forgot to set my DVR. Next time!

  11. Too funny about "peeptoe shoes and ribbons." I'm really glad that's not your blog name ;)

  12. I will have to check that show out, is sounds like a good one!! Thanks for the tip, So funny what Dr. Mark called your blog. Have a good weekend!!

  13. I have heard of this and it does look amusing. But unfortunately, I don't get Soap Net

  14. I'll have to check this out!! :) Haha....

  15. I loved it!! It is really good...I was shocked. They are really likable. Have a fantastic weekend!
    xxxx me

  16. I posted on this too. I loved it! Is Shea wearing a fake ponytail? How can she have short hair one minute and a ponytail the next? But she criticized Emily for hair extensions, so why would she have a fake tail? I'm confused. Lol. :)

  17. Oh yeah, and then she criticized Emily's lowcut dress she was trying on at some shop and in the next scene she's ring shopping in Chicago with an extremely low cut dress. WTH??

    Even so, I love Shea and Hadley & Kelly. Emily, not so much. And we didn't get to see much of the other girl.
