
Since the Christmas season is officially over, it's time to take down the Christmas decorations.  This year it took me about 60 seconds.  With my crazy work schedule, I didn't have the time or energy to put up a tree, even though I have FOUR Christmas trees in the attic.

My Christmas decorations this year consisted of displaying the cards I recieved from family and friends.  I wanted to see and enjoy the cards throughout the season.  As they came in, I punched a hole in the top corner and placed them on manzanita branches.  In my family, we call these branches "The Blessing Tree."  It was used here and here.   

Christmas Cards Displayed on Manzanita Branches
My New Year's Eve was low key, which was nice.  I did wear these shoes....

Glitter Shoes

and had some Sofia Champagne....

Sofia Champagne


  1. Looks lovely! I love the idea of the Blessing Tree. So nice. I hung our cards around the cookbook shelf in the kitchen, and I may keep the photo cards up longer!

  2. i absoultely love those little cans of sofia champagne!!!!! How delightful
