I haven’t blogged in a LOOOONG time. I’ve been extremely busy. Here’s what’s been going on…
I went to RDU (Raleigh-Durham, NC) for work in March. We have an office in Durham and I love going there. There are only 50 people who do what I do and it’s always fun to see them and talk “shop.” I am a regional trainer for Kodak. I’ve been with Kodak for 10 years. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! One fabulous advantage to staying with a company for 10 years is FOUR weeks vacation. Love it.
Kodak in China
My sister and I have started calling cities by their airport code. For example, instead of saying “Los Angeles,” we say “LAX” or instead of saying “San Francisco,” we say “SFO.” Jenn travels as much as I do, so we are very familiar with airport codes. We have even quizzed each other on the various codes and cities. Weird, I know.
I was in DAL (Dallas) for work last week and got to stay with my fabulous friend, Tiffany. I stayed for the weekend because Tiffany had a bridal shower on Saturday night. It was great fun to see old friends and the food was fabulous. Our friend, Erick, made the best chicken piccata I’ve ever had. When I got home on Sunday night, I was still thinking about the piccata. Oh my gosh, I’m thinking about it right now. I have food issues!
I’m loving the new Miley Cyrus song, ‘See You Again’. Does anyone else love it? I’ve downloaded it and can’t stop listening to it. I also googled the words so I can sing along.
I absolutely loved the last few episodes of Jon and Kate plus Eight. Jon and Kate took each of the kids out for their own special day. It was so adorable to see what each kid chose to do and to see how they acted without their sisters and brothers around. Multiples are so stinkin’ cute!
After one year and four months, I finally read my journal from my China orphanage trip in 2006. I don’t normally write in a journal but I’m so thankful that I did while we were there. There are so many sweet stories and people that I had forgotten about. I’m thinking about posting a few entries from my journal on the blog in the future.
Babies and Nannies
Love Her
This baby arrived at the orphanage while we were there, so tiny
This week I worked in SAN (San Diego). SAN is absolutely gorgeous. Jenn, Kristine, (our beautiful friend) and I took a Girl’s Trip to SAN a few years ago. We went to the zoo, the beach, Sea World, a winery, Coronado, and of course we shopped. It was so much fun and being there always reminds me of our trip. Jenn and Kristine had to share a very small bed. I’ll never forget Jenn saying to Kristine before bed, “Kristine, forgive me if I spoon you, forgive me if I don’t.” We laughed forever….

Next week I’ll be working in Taos, NM and TUL (Tulsa, OK). The following week I’ll be in ORD (Chicago). Busy, Busy! I’ve also been cleaning out my closet. This is a huge process. I’ve sold a few Anthropologie dresses on ebay, donated some items, brought some items to a resale shop, and had to throw away a couple of things. Exhausting! I'll be posting more this week.