I hope y’all are having a nice Thanksgiving Day. We’re having a nice day but honestly, I think Thanksgiving is a bit boring. We eat, the guys watch football, and we sit because there’s not much to do and all the stores are closed. Cry, Cry.
So, I decided to make a craft this year after Thanksgiving lunch. I purchased a pattern and several fabrics to make a shopping tote. I cut out the fabric pieces and realized I’m missing a couple important supplies (webbing and interfacing, huh?). Unfortunately, it’s the most boring day of the year and the stores are closed. Hmmm...

I don’t want to be a total Thanksgiving Scrooge. I am thankful for many things this year...
~I’m thankful for my family, Mom, Dad, Pawpaw, Mawmaw, Jenn, Ryan, Jarrett, and Daisy.

Photo from today~ Jenn, Ryan, & Daisy couldn't join us but they hit the seafood buffet in Iowa.
~I’m thankful for my IRL friends, my blog friends and the new blog friends I’ve met in person this year. This year I got to meet Angela, Amy M. and Tippa. Last year I got to meet Danielle, Jessica, and Kate.
~It’s hard to believe that a year ago I had no intention of moving to San Antonio. In one day, April 16th, I started thinking about moving and by the end of the day I had 95% decided I was moving. I’m so thankful the opportunity to move presented itself and I’m here.
~I’m thankful that after 11 years and tons of layoffs, including a major layoff this year, I’m still with my company. Although Corporate America can be a pain, at the end of the day I’m a “company girl."
~I’m thankful for my visual merchandising job.
~I’m thankful for my new church.
~Last but not least, I’m thankful for the guy a Ford that volunteered to wash my filthy car yesterday.
yes, sometimes thanksgiving day can be boring. tonight i'm enjoying sitting in peace at my home in front of the fire and my computer!! have a fun black friday!!
This post is totally priceless. I twittered you this morning while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. I typed that I was cooking and saw a Hello Kitty float and totally thought of you. AND now when I logged on tonight...you posted Hello Kitty Pilgrims!!! LOL....
Cute family pic. Hope y'all enjoyed your holiday.
That Hello Kitty Thanksgiving card is the cutest! I love the fabric you picked to make the totes. It is a bummer when all of the stores are closed. I think they’ll turn out really cute when they’re done though. You’ll have to take some pics.
That is a great Thanksgiving family photo! I love your dress and scarf. You look great :)
It looks like you have a lot to be thankful for this year. It is so funny where life takes you sometimes, but I think you’re right where you’re meant to be. XOXO
P.S. So random but in the Black Friday ads, I saw a sale at Target for a Hello Kitty gumball machine and clock radio and thought of you!
Oh! And thanks for mentioning me. So sweet. I'm thankful for you, too! And I'm really thankful that I am no longer terrified to fly, and that I'm coming to see you {in your top 10 Christmas town} VERY soon! Can't wait!
Thanksgiving is definitely a boring day, but it's always nice to have the day off, cook, and relax.
And for me, when I have nothing to do, I watch TV or design, so I'm usually kept busy.
I am HORRIBLE with the blackberry as you now know, and sent you a few messages through BBM on my sister's phone. Sorry for all the crazy typos.
Talk to you soon!
Jill, I feel the exact same about Thanksgiving being somewhat boring! ;) While I love cooking and serving my guys, um ... dare I admit that I like shopping better! ;) And all that football! Ugh!
Love your tote idea - hope you can get it finished soon, After all the shopping, of course!
*love those HK pilgrims :)
I agree, Thankgiving is a bit of a bore, I'm usually passed out right after dinner from a food coma! :)
I love your Thankful heart (even if those darn stores ARE closed!!) I am a little disappointed because I wanted to see the totes....
And I totally have to agree - Thanksgiving is a tad boring! My kids were all making me crazy yesterday because they couldn't ask their friends to play and they were already tired of each other ;) we TRIED a craft (Indian Headresses..classic, right?) - Mya insisted HERS be a bunny.
Welcome back, real world!!!
Hope your Thanksgiving wasn't too boring!
Oh, how I miss reading your blog! And, I LOVE that fabric! Do they make it in contact/wallpaper!? I need something cute like that in my OLD desk drawers! lol
That must have been a relief and such a nice change to NOT have to travel to get back home for Thanksgiving! My husband is from Michigan, so we go there for Thanksgiving OR Christmas. It stinks to have to split it up like that. I hope to be back on my blog {and catching up on my bloggy-buddies blogs} SOOOOOON! I can't believe it been since the end of MAY!!! AAAGGGH! Anywho. I LOVE the "new" page look!
I totally agree about Thanksgiving Day! I eat, I visit & then it's like I have to do SOMETHING or I'm going to fall asleep!
So funny, because Thanksgivings is my favorite holiday, haha!!! Looks like you had a good one!! :)
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