Wow, starting a new job is overwhelming! Last week I worked from home and ‘closed shop’ with Ko*dak. I also had a million things to accomplish before I started my new job. Here’s a sample of last week…
-Purchased a personal computer. My new company doesn’t allow personal downloads (i.e.…digital camera, iPod) on the company laptop. Most companies have this policy. In fact, Ko*dak had it too; they just didn’t enforce it.
I purchased my first Mac~ so far I like it but there is a lot to learn
-Dentist appointment
-3 Doctor appointments
-Purchased car insurance. I’m driving my sister’s car for now. Jenn commutes between Omaha, NYC, and San Antonio. I’ll purchase a car later.
-Removed all my personal files from the old computer
-Submitted my final expense report
-Exit interview
-Shopping for new clothes and shoes. I had to get a few work appropriate items for cold weather. My first day on the job was in Virginia. It’s cold in Virginia!
-Packed and shipped my Ko*dak computer and blackberry
-Got a temporary cell phone to use until I have my new blackberry. That was a pain.
-Recorded all the phone numbers from my old blackberry to put into my new blackberry… another pain.
-Treated my family to dinner at the Melting Pot to celebrate my new job

-Hair appointment
-Manicure appointment
-Cleaned out my home office. That was SO fun. I had 3 bags of trash filled with old manuals, software, and training videos. I love cleaning out, especially work junk.
-Cleaned out my company car for pick up on Friday
-Decorated my Grandma’s shadow box at her new home. She has moved into a Alzheimer and Dementia care facility. The home has 23 residents. Each resident has their own room. At the door of their room they each have a shadow box with a brief description of their life experiences, photos, and memorabilia. Of course, I had to make sure my Grandma had a CUTE shadow box.
-Packed for Virginia

-Left on Sunday morning for Virginia
-Spent 1.5 days in VA for orientation and now I’m in ATL. And to think I thought I was busy before.
Posted at
10:40 PM
Project 52~ Week 7
Posted at
9:41 PM
Giveaway Winner
Posted at
10:30 AM
Giveaway~ Scarlet Threads & Williams-Sonoma
Can you imagine not having the opportunity to work and provide for your family? Many of us stay home with our children or we plan to be a stay-at-home-mom someday but we have the opportunity to work if we choose to or if we need to. In rural China, the women don’t have the same work and career opportunities that we often take for granted. They want to work and provide for their families. They don’t want a hand out.
My friend, Carrie, volunteers at New Day Foster Home in China. She recently started the most amazing business, Scarlet Threads Boutique. Scarlett Threads specializes in “unique products designed and produced by talented seamstresses in rural Asia.” Scarlet Threads is helping women in rural China by empowering and employing.
From the Scarlet Threads website… “We believe that helping the poor requires more than charity. It means instituting sustainable change by providing safe and rewarding work, enabling the poor to provide for their own families and meet their own needs. We provide economic development opportunities to empower people just like you... people with kids to raise and bills to pay. People who don't want hand-outs, just a chance.”
I’m so excited about this giveaway! The winner will receive a Scarlet Threads Limited Edition Savannah apron. Since you’ll have a new apron, I thought you might like something new for the kitchen. So I’m including a $25 gift card to Williams-Sonoma.
There are 3 opportunities to win…
1 entry~ You must be a follower of my blog and visit the Scarlett Threads Boutique. Let me know your favorite product in a comment on this post.
Additional entry~ Become a follower of the Scarlett Threads Blog.
Additional entry~ Post about this giveaway on your blog.
Be sure to let me know how many entries you're eligible for.
The Giveaway will end at 5:00 Thursday, February 18. The winner will be announced Friday, February 19.
Posted at
9:15 AM
I arrived home last night from my last long drive for K*dak. Yay! Last year the company changed the flying vs. driving policy. I’ve been driving a lot more and it’s so boring. I am SO happy that yesterday was my last long drive for work! My new company’s policy is much better.
Speaking of work, my friend Amy M. reminded me of something; she told me I had blog about it. Last Thursday night my team received an email with another new company policy... dress codes and uniforms. Have I mentioned I despise being told what to wear? The email said we were required to order black polo, company logo shirts to be worn daily with dark pants or khakis. Y’all, I almost fainted and then I cried. I majored in Fashion Merchandising; I’m not wearing a uniform. Another reason to be thankful I put in my 2 week notice. It is funny… you tell a Fashion Merchandising major they must wear a uniform and 3 days later they quit! For the record, I was going to order the shirts (because it was required) but I wasn’t going to wear them. Since I work in the field how would anyone know?

I'd rather wear a dress everyday and I can at my new job!
Last night when I arrived home my Pink Swap package from Kate was at the door. Kate and I were partners in the 2nd Annual Pink Swap hosted by Monograms and Manicures. I love this swap, it's definitely my favorite. Kate gifted me with the cutest items. Check out her store, Katydid Designs, Inc. Very cute! Thank you Kate!
Ice Cream Cone Kitchen Timer~ are you kidding me? I LOVE it! I've been looking for a cute kitchen timer.

Monogrammed Luggage Tags, Fun Belt, Cute Key Chain, & a Fancy Bowl full of Chocolate. Everything is just so cute. I'm super excited about the key chain. Below is a photo of the key chain I've been using, not because it's cute but because it's all I had... perfect timing!
In an earlier post I mentioned hosting giveaway this week. It's going to be next week instead, stay tuned.
P.S. The other night I had a dream about Hugh Hefner, so random.
Posted at
2:10 PM
2 Week Notice
On Monday I resigned from my company. After many weeks of consideration, I’ve decided I don’t want to work anymore. I’m tired. I’m going to relax for awhile and maybe take advantage of some government handouts. I’m 100% kidding, not about resigning but about not working.
Last Friday I accepted a verbal offer from a new company! I'm. So. Beyond. Excited. On Monday I received the written offer, signed it, faxed it, and turned in my 2 week notice. I’ve been with Ko.dak for 11.5 years; this is a big change but I’m ready for it.
In my new position I’ll be responsible for growing sales through customer training in a territory of 12 states. I still get to travel but I will be making my own schedule. Love that! I’ll also fly more often. Right now, I’m driving a lot and I definitely prefer flying.
I feel so blessed. The company had an internal candidate. An internal candidate usually gets the job. The hiring manager told me the final decision was between me and the internal candidate. Last week I was crazy, nervous. I had a feeling that I did not get the job. I felt defeated. Friday morning I got the call and I got the offer! What? This stuff happens to other people, not me.
Friday I was the most excited I’ve ever been in my life. I was shocked. I was shaking. I couldn’t stop smiling. By Friday night, I had a massive smile headache. Saturday morning I woke up and didn’t believe it. I thought Friday was a dream but it wasn’t. YAY!
My last day will be February 19th and my first day with the new company will be February 22nd. This is why I’ve been a little absent from blogging. Hopefully, things will settle down next week.
Posted at
5:55 PM
Bad Blogger & Field Job
Well, last week Maria called me to tell me about her day at work. One of the sales reps at her new company was training Maria in the field. Maria said, “Jill, you would love her. She exactly like us, she works really hard but when she spots a cute shop she pulls over.” I couldn’t stop laughing. That is so true! We do work hard but when there is a cute shop or an antique shop, I always stop! Why not? It makes the day more interesting.
There is a small town north of Beaumont, TX and when I pass through I always have to make a quick stop. The town is Lumberton and they have a GREAT antique shop, The Country Lane Antique Mall. I love it because it is merchandised well and the prices are fantastic. I also have a second favorite stop in Lumberton, The Antique Mall of Lumberton. They also have great prices. This week I was in Beaumont for work and made a stop in Lumberton on my way home. Actually, Lumberton is not on the way home but pretty close.

I’m not a big collector but I love vintage lady head vases. Lady head vases were primarily made in Japan and they were used in florists’ flower arrangements in the U.S. from the late 1940’s to the early 1970’s. While in Lumberton, I found 2 additions to my head vase collection.
I picked up this head vase too. I'm very happy that she is dressed in pink.
Posted at
1:10 PM