
Rodeo Time

It's rodeo time in Houston. The Houston Rodeo is SO much fun. My brother and Kate came into town this year for rodeo. We spent the day walking around viewing the exhibits, shops, and livestock. That night we saw Fergie in concert. Kate and I, along with 5o,000 teenage girls, sang every word to every song.

My Brother and I rode the ride in the bottom picture. It was actually very scary! I love roller coasters but I'm not too excited about hanging upside down and spinning in slow circles.

I love Fergie!


Craft Party

Saturday night I had a little “Craft Party” at my house. My friends, Maria and Amy, and I try to get together once a month for girl time. It has been so much fun over the years. We take turns planning the events, so they’re always different. We have done everything from Friday nights out and Saturday afternoon art festivals to dinner in our homes or a quick bite to eat after work. I’m so thankful for these girls. Despite our crazy schedules, boyfriends, husbands, kids, etc… we always try to make time for each other. Saturday night we had dinner, made greeting cards and gift tags, and visited. It was so much fun!

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Snowing In Texas

Last week I had a business trip in Oklahoma. I usually fly on business trips if the drive time exceeds 4 hours. Oklahoma is 5.5 hours away but I decided to drive this time and I’m so glad I did. The day I left it snowed in OK and in North Texas. If I had flown, I would’ve been stranded. My poor car has never been in snow; it took a few times to get it started. As I crossed the border and entered TX, I stopped to take a few photos. We don’t get a lot of snow in TX, especially in March.

A Rare Sight

The Sign Says "Spring Breakers, Welcome to Texas!"

Don't Judge Me Because I Drive a Taurus... it's a Company Car :)


Michael Buble and Tiffany

My best friend from college, Tiffany, was in town last weekend. Tiff’s fiancée, Brandon also came along. We had sooo much fun, as we always do. Tiff and I can have fun just sitting in a chair and looking through magazines and talking about fashion, sewing, and decorating. She has been such an amazing friend over the years. Tiff is encouraging and supportive and I’m so thankful for our friendship.

Brandon and Tiff were able to get Michael Buble tickets on Saturday night in a suite, the way we like to do things! It was a great time.

Tiff and I have so many fun memories and stories. Once she told me she didn’t like Las Vegas because you have to walk too much. Well, that’s bad for girls like us that are always in our cute shoes, no matter how painful. It reminds me of my Italy trip; everyone told me to wear tennis shoes… Uhhh, NO! I had to look cute in Italy. So, I wore my cute heels on cobblestone roads (ouch) and my feet bled everyday. The price we pay to look cute.

Tiff dancing to Michael Buble

Obviously, I'm on the right.. peeptoe pumps and SO pale that it hurts your eyes

ACU graduation dinner, 1997
We are 22 years old in this picture, I think I look 15