Bridal Party

Tiff and the Fabulous Flower Girl

Dancing with the Maids~ Tiff picked out the cutest dresses

Tiffany has AMAZING taste. I love the flowers she picked.
The day before Tiffany's wedding the maids gave her a book of memories and blessings for her marriage. I want to share a little of what I wrote to Tiffany.
I remember attending a Halloween party in 2005 with a boyfriend that I loved with all my heart, but I knew it was not a relationship that was glorifying God and shortly after this event I would have to break up with this person. Even though I knew it was the right thing to do, it wasn't easy. Tiff was unable to attend the event but called me and said she would have done anything in the world to attend with me. She just wanted to be there for me and that meant more than anything in this world. Tiff, I love you and wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life. Thank you for your friendship and example to me and so many others!
A Part of the Letter....
"Thank you for loving me and always being such an encouraging woman of God. You have been my rock through so many hard times. Thank you for praying for me over the phone, in person, out loud, and quietly to yourself at home. You have helped me become a better Christian and a stronger woman. I love being a Christian because I know I will spend eternity with people like you.
I love this quote; I’ve been waiting for this day to share it with you. It reminds me of you.
“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart~and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.” ~ author unknown
(I found this quote from another blog that inspires me. I hope and pray that each of you has a girlfriend in your life that you think of when you read this)