1. Upload your prom picture. If you don't have one, email your mom and have her send it to you. That's what I had to do. :)
2. Don't forget to include the year it was taken. Again, don't be shy. The older the better.
3. Grab the "Prom Queen" button on my sidebar and add to your post. Isn't the button adorable? Thank you Danielle, The Design Girl. You must check out her fabulous sale!
4. Copy and Paste the rules to your blog
5. Tag 5 others!
Now for my prom picture, taken in 1993.

Gotta love the sequin dress and BIG Texas hair. For the record, I was not the Prom Queen. My high school didn't have Prom King and Queen?
Since I'm starting the Prom Queen Tag, I decided to tag more than 5 people...
Well, That's Just Fabulous
Nautical by Nature
And Bai Li Makes 3
All Things Southern & Preppy
Monogram Chick
My Chihuahua Bites
According to Nina
Petunia in Paradise
The Love Affair
Baseball and Ballet
Signs of Hope~ Carrie
Wearing Mascara
Football and Fried Rice
Sweet Simplicity
A Balancing Act in Heels
A Sassy Engineer
Woman Interrupted
The Ever-Changing Life of a Military Wife
A Tid Bit of the Taylors
Chic and Pink
French Kiss