I love receiving handwritten letters and cards in the mail. Who doesn’t? As I sort through the junk mail and bills, it’s so exciting to find a letter addressed to me, in real handwriting. It’s always the first thing I open. Why don’t we send more handwritten letters, notes, or cards? These days it’s much easier to send a quick email or a text message.
About 5 years ago, I made a New Year’s Resolution to write one card a week to a friend or family member just saying, “Hi and I’
ve been thinking about you.” One card a week, not hard. I stuck to the resolution for about 2.5 months!
I was recently reminded of how much I like receiving cards in the mail. My friend, Paula F., from church sent me the sweetest card.

Paula wrote...
Dear Jill,
I wanted to write you and tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. I love being able to see into your life, your cute apartment, the fun you have with your friends, and your passion for Chinese babies. You live in the moment and enjoy your life and you will not regret that when you look back on your life later on. Thanks for sharing. Let’s get that drink one of these days.
Isn’t that sweet? Thank you, Paula! Your letter completely made my day.
A few weeks ago my neighbor, Mary, left a card on my door. The card was so funny. I must tell you a little history before I tell you what she wrote. Ever since Hurricane Ike, I’ve had this terrible smell in my kitchen. It comes and goes. I’ve called maintenance and they can’t figure out where it’s coming from. I have an idea of what it could be but I will spare y’all the possible details. It’s not a pretty picture. Mary and I share the kitchen wall so I asked her if she had noticed it. At the time, she told me “No.” Great… was it just in my apartment?

Mary wrote…
Hey Jill,
Kitty photo cards aren’t exactly my taste but once people learn you have a more than one cat, they assume you want “cat stuff!”
Anyway, I believe I have smelled the “kitchen stench.” It arrived about six this evening and although it is somewhat diminished, it is still around… and yes it is horrid! I think it is coming from under the sink. I’ve put baking soda into the disposal, but the smell continues. Is it worse when the weather is warm and humid?
Just want you to know I’ve smelled it too.
My mom sent me this card in 2007. It was really sweet and encouraging. I keep it in my day planner and it goes everywhere I go. I have had bad days at work and I take it out and read it.

Mom wrote...
Dear Jill,
I am so proud of you and thankful for God’s spirit that lives in you. I see the radiance of Him in your more and more. I love you and miss you. I’m excited to see the blessings that God is yet to send. May God richly bless your day!
Love from your cheerleader,
The card has this Bible verse on the inside...
“…My people will receive a double portion… and everlasting joy will be theirs.” Isaiah 61:7
I've never done this on my blog... I'm challenging myself and everyone else to send someone a card and tell them you're thinking about them. You never know, it might just be the one thing they needed to get through the day.