Last Saturday I went to Disneyland with Danielle and Jessica (her sister). Disney was so much fun! Danielle and Jess are the perfect tour guides. We were able to ride everything we wanted, we indulged in some delicious snacks, we saw the BEST fireworks show and the cutest parade, and we took about 500 pictures. My favorite ride was Alice in Wonderland. She is also my favorite character, maybe it’s because (out of the blue) people call me Alice in Wonderland??? For instance, one Sunday morning I was walking into church and a man I don’t know was holding the door open and greeting everyone. He said to me, “Good morning Alice in Wonderland.” ????Space Mountain was really fun too; I love a good rollercoaster!!
Please pardon my ugliness in the pictures. We rode a couple of water rides and I got nasty! I don’t like being wet, except in the shower. I dislike water and being wet so much thatI rarely go into a swimming pool, lake, or ocean. I’m weird. I highly recommend Disneyland, especially in the hot summer months. During the day, it was warm…mid to upper 80’s but at night it got into the 60’s. I got to wear a sweater in July!
Posted at
10:46 PM
Earthquake In CA
Most of you have heard about the 5.7 earthquake that hit California late this morning. Yes, I’m still here!!! It was my first earthquake and I was completely terrified. I was upgrading software on one of our kiosk at a grocery store. I felt the ground shake a little and I thought, “I wonder if that’s an earthquake.” Well, about 1 minute later the entire store started shaking. I RAN to a girl working in the photo department and hung onto her. I was whining, shaking, and about to cry. Dramatic, I know but I had no idea what to expect. I really thought the store ceiling was going to collapse. I was watching the walls move from left to right and the floor was rippling under my feet. The store employees told me you’re not supposed to move when an earthquake strikes (unless it’s super bad and then you run outside). Oh… so that’s why everyone in the store stood still and I RAN. Only a Texas girl would do that! Even though, I thought I might die for about 20 seconds today, I’m fine. I was shaken up for about 30 minutes after the quake. My knees were shaking and I felt dizzy.
I have bad luck with natural disasters. I was in the First Colony Mall in Sugar Land, TX in 1997 when a tornado ripped through the mall. The news crews interviewed me and ask what I thought was happening and what I saw. I was so upset… I told them I saw “brown wind” and I thought it was an earthquake. Yes, they aired my embarrassing interview on 4 Houston news stations. Lovely! Also, I was in New Orleans the day before hurricane Katrina hit. We had to evacuate, which is never fun. One month later, I had to evacuate Houston for hurricane Rita. It took me 5 hours to drive 55 miles. I just really hope I’m in California when the big one hits. :)

Check at these California Earthquake Potato Chip. I might try to buy some before I leave :)
Posted at
9:22 PM
L.A. Update
Tonight was so much fun! I met Kate, Danielle, and Jessica (Danielle’s sister) at Pink Taco for dinner. Everyone is SO sweet and SO much fun. I've been telling Danielle I wanted to see a celeb while I was in L.A. After dinner we saw Jo*sh Gro*ban. Clearly, I we didn't say anything but it was kinda exciting!
Posted at
1:54 AM
I'm Here

Today I finished work a little early. I met Danielle for shopping and we had the famous Pinkberry. It was so much fun. I’m completely fascinated with LAX. It’s really cute (the places Danielle has shown me) and the weather is absolutely fabulous! Last night my rental car said it was 62 degrees. That is amazing!
I have to work so I won’t see Danielle again until Friday night. I also get to meet Kate from Nautical by Nature! Yay…
Oh, my hotel tonight doesn’t have the Bravo channel. I’m going to miss Project Runway. Oh well, maybe I can catch a rerun at my next hotel and I did DVR it at home. Why is it that every hotel is catered toward men???? They always have the Golf channel and at least 4 ESPN channels. The mini bar is always stocked with whiskey and mixed nuts… GROSS! Women travel for work too. How about including the Lifetime channel, HGTV, the Food Network, Oxygen, Bravo, and E! I’ve heard some hotels are considering creating floors just for women~ complete with bubble bath in the bathroom, fresh flowers, a lounge where you can have a drink in peace, and girl television channels. I’ve never actually seen one of these hotels, maybe someday…

I would be so excited if my hotel room had flowers, a pretty bed, and Bravo.
Posted at
8:42 PM
Packing and the Weather. Man, I'm Boring!
Today I worked in Austin, TX. On the way home I noticed several digital signs with the temperature…. 103 degrees. What??? Last week in San Antonio, the weather man said (with the heat index) it was 105 degrees. As I’m getting ready to pack tonight, I looked up the temperature in L.A. and I am happy. The highs in L.A. this week are in the mid to upper 80’s. The weather report said the lows are in the 60’s.
As I’m sure you can see I don’t enjoy the excruciating, jungle heat. The Texas heat has caused me to faint many times (Houston and Dallas). I had a seizure in my college psychology class (Abilene). It was completely embarrassing! I’ve also randomly thrown-up because I was so sick from the heat. Maybe I should move???
My sister has said she wants a summer home in Colorado someday. Jenn has invited me and my future children to join her for the summer. Oh… I am dreaming of the day! Jenn and I playing with our kids, making gourmet dinners, and sitting on the porch at night with a sweater and visiting until we can’t stay awake any longer.
I was going through some pictures the other day and I came across these NYC pics. It was December 2006 and VERY cold. Ahhh…. I can’t wait for January. :) I’m wearing earmuffs in one of the photos… how fun! It was freezing in "Tavern on Green" picture. I took off my coat for the picture because I wanted my dress in the photo. It’s vintage and it was a fab find. :) It's all about the fashion, not comfort!
Shopping in China Town with Jenn (sis) and a BFF (Maria)
Leslie (our famous friend~she does the 'Shamu, Killer Whale' Show at Sea World), Maria, Me, and Jenn. I love how we are cuddled up because we're cold. It's so fun being a girl!
Posted at
8:52 PM
Busy, Busy
My work schedule is about to get extremely, crazy-busy! This week I’m working in San Antonio, which is always good because I stay with my parents. It’s nice to take a break from hotels. Next week I’m going to Los Angeles and the best part is I’m working in L.A. the next week too! Soooo, I’m going to stay over the weekend (this is not required by work). I get to meet my blog friend, Danielle. I’m so excited!
Through blogging Danielle and I have become good friends. We like to do the same things… crafts, cooking, blogging, daydreaming about motherhood, shopping, talking on the phone, girl movies, manicures and pedicures. Basically, anything girly that does not involve partying. I’m looking forward to hanging out with her. Danielle has come up with a great list of things for us to do while I’m L.A. I know it’s going to be so much fun and Disney Land made the list. YAY!! I can’t wait…. I’m also hoping to see a celeb. Pathetic, I know. Don’t worry, I won’t take a picture or say anything.
Posted at
11:53 PM
Organizing the Jewels...Okay Not Real Jewels
In addition to taking three different business trips this week, (Beaumont, El Paso, and Raleigh, NC), I managed to finally organize and clean out my jewelry. It’s always been challenge for me find ways to keep my jewelry organized and visible. If all my jewelry is tucked away, I will forget about it and it’s harder to match with outfits. However, leaving it out can be junky! Ugh… what to do???
When I started organizing, I decided I wasn’t going to buy anything new for this project. I had to use things I already had at home! I like the outcome, although I’ll probably change it in 6 months. If anyone has any good ideas on organizing your jewelry, please let me know.
Posted at
10:17 PM
Antique Shopping
One of the great things about traveling for work is SHOPPING. I get the opportunity visit lots of local boutiques and antique shops. Yesterday I went to a little town outside of Beaumont, TX. This tiny Texas town has a great antique shop and I always try to visit when I’m in the area. I LOVE this store. It’s huge, they have a great assortment of items, and they always have girly, shabby items. Here’s a few of my finds…
I LOVE this vintage tray $6.95

Posted at
12:55 PM
So Cute...
I LOVE, LOVE this dress. Sami Brady wore this dress on Days of Our Lives this week. I finally found it on-line. It's a little more than I want to pay right now. Maybe it will go sale.... oh please, oh please!Check out this adorable matching dog dress. I think Daisy would look so GREAT in this and how cute would it be for us to match! For those of you who don't know Daisy, she is my niece. I don't get to see her much because she lives in San Antonio with my sister. I travel waaaay too much to have a dog.
Posted at
11:38 PM
Weekend Update
This is completely out of character of me... I hardly took any pictures at Tom's wedding last weekend. We had a great time, though! Tom definitely found the love of his life and I'm so happy for him! I wish I had a picture of the bride but I don't! Ugh... I really enjoyed Milwaukee, WI. We stayed in the downtown area and it was nice. We even walked to breakfast on Saturday morning. You could never do that in Houston without needing a shower when you get there.
Posted at
7:29 PM