I have no idea why the Houston Airport is coded IAH.

I’ve had a few questions about my transition to San Antonio from Houston. I.LOVE.IT. I was nervous about leaving the 4th largest city in the U.S. and moving to the 7th largest U.S. city. So dramatic, I know but I love me some big city and action! Also, I was nervous about making a major life change, alone.

On the morning of June 27 when I left my old, vintage, beautiful apartment for the last time, I cried. That morning my friends, Lindsay and John, stopped by to say goodbye and bring breakfast. After the moving truck was loaded, I did final walk through the apartment. Jarrett (the brother), Lindsay, John, and the movers were outside. As I walked through the empty rooms, I was emotional. I thought about all the events that had happened in my life while I had lived there. Unfortunately, the majority of the big events that came to mind were negative. From a broken relationship that was extremely difficult to disappearing friendships, there were some hard times in that apartment. I remembered the night I learned that Yu Mei, the little girl that I fell in love with in China, was adopted and thought I was coming to get her. When Yu Mei realized it wasn’t me, she sobbed. I remembered the time I learned something very bad about a person I loved and cared for. That afternoon I sat on the edge of my bathtub and cried for an hour. There were some happy times but the events that stood out most in mind were negative. I didn’t realize how much of an impact the events had on me, until I walked through the empty rooms.

At 8:00 PM, after the un-loaders left my new home in SA (what a long day), Jarrett and I sat in the living room around the world’s biggest mess. Okay, not the biggest mess in the world but my biggest mess. I cannot function in a mess. Moving boxes were everywhere and my body hurt. I had never felt so emotionally and physically exhausted. As I was debating if I should take a shower or just go to bed I thought, “I’m not going back to Houston. This is my new home.” A huge sense of relief and peace came over me. My feelings that night were definitely a surprise to me. For the record, I took a shower. My brother told me I HAD to take a shower; guess I smelled bad. :)

After living in SA for a couple of weeks I had my first out of town business trip. It was about 4 hours from SA, so I drove. On the way home I drove through Austin, TX. I passed the sign for the road to Houston, the road I had taken so many times. Again, I was so relieved I wasn’t going to Houston and I was headed to SA.
I knew I would like SA but I didn’t know I would love it. I think the people are friendlier. I LOVE my church… I don’t feel like an outcast because I’m single; I don’t want to miss a service. Two weeks ago our guest song leader was Michael W. Smith. Love it! There are so many great places in SA. As a tourist or visitor I saw the same things, there is so much more to SA. Each weekend there are so many events and activities, I cannot possibly do it all. Since I've moved, I was contacted by the SA airport to do some visual work (my side job).
My BFF, Tiffany, said the peace and relief that I’ve felt since moving and the additional work I’ve obtained is God confirming my decision. When I told people in Houston that I was moving a few said, “Oh this is good for you.” “You’ll love it.” Here’s a good one, “You should live by your parents.” Ha Ha… I’m the most independent girl I’ve ever met. My all time favorite is, “Jill, YOU need a change.” Oh really… what’s the biggest change you’ve ever made in your life by yourself? Going from panties to a thong? Sorry, I try not to get catty on my blog. Seriously, we (including me) must remember not give opinions or advice unless it’s something you’ve actually done yourself. It’s easy to give advice about change when you’ve never had to make big changes alone (I don't mean graduating from college and picking a place to live) or everything you hoped and prayed for eventually happened.
Anyway, much to my surprise and the people closest to me, I really love San Antonio.
You have certainly been on a journey and it sounds like you're in a really good place right now. It probably has something to do with the fact that it is a smaller city and people tend to be friendlier. I give you a lot of credit for trying new things and being open to change. That is something I need to work on.
I wish you continued SA happiness!
I am so happy that you are loving living in San Antonio!
So glad that you are loving your new home! And I hope you continue to love it...sounds like it was definitely a change for the better!
Praise the Lord that you feel His hand on your move. I'm glad you love your church. That's so important.
I'm so glad you're happy with your decision! I know nothing about Houston or SA, but I'm sure it was quite a leap of faith to make the move that you did.
I am SO happy things are going so well!!! God definitely had a plan for you :)
Ummmm. IAH would be for International Airport Houston. :)
Glad you are loving San Antonio! That area of Texas is beautiful. I am sure finding a great church is a big part of your love for the city. There is nothing like finding your church home!
That is so great that your move was exactly what you needed. That's how life is suppose to be!
I'm so happy for you!!!! And I'm very glad you found a good church - that really does mean a lot!!!
I'm so glad you are loving it! God really does provide and knows what is best for us.
Congrats. I am glad you have been able to see the positives in your situation. Good luck and keep living the dream!
I'm so happy you love San Antonio. I felt the same way when I learned that we were relocating to Houston. I didn't want to leave Austin and fought to stay. But sometimes you just have to go with the flow in life. Houston has surprised me and just like you, it has become a nice change for me. Life is funny that way.
As to answer your question for the biggest change in my life. Hmm... I think letting go of past disappointments, becoming thankful and satisfied of where I'm at in life, and not letting fear hold me back in my future goals. Life becomes so much more interesting when you stop caring what others think and stop worrying about failure. Becoming aware of my imperfections and strengths is my greatest accomplishment (change).
I can relate very much.
I moved to FL at 19 by myself not knowing a soul and with 3 pieces of luggage (which was mostly clothes) and restarted my life.
It was a rude awakening (with alot of crappy things happening)but it was something that I needed.
So glad hear you are finding joy in your new home! That is more important than the city or the size of the metroplex. Plus, even though SAT is a bit smaller, its has everything Houston has and is more central.
(I think it stands for International Airport Houston..???)
I know I've commented before, but not in a while, but I'm here in SA too and so glad that you're enjoying your new home and that your move went smoothly.
Welcome to SA!! What church are you going to?
I'm so happy that you are in a good place now in your new city. It's always tough to completely change places...which can be hard for other people to understand if they don't know it. Most people at least know someone in a new place, so they don't "get" it when you don't know anyone!
I'm sure it's been hard, but it's so wonderful you are happy where you're at!! I'm going through so many changes right now too, and I'm interested to see where things end up!
Jill - (MC here) - IAH is Intercontinental Airport Houston and I swear that YOU taught me that!
The furniture looks great white - very impressive. :)
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