Or is Facebook is getting annoying? Or was it always annoying? About a year ago BFF, Tiffany, talked me into joining Facebook. I had a MySpace account. I quit checking MySpace because it was a 110% annoying; I felt like I was in 7th grade all over again (7th grade was not a good year for me). I had no desire to jump into another 7th grade fad. Tiffany explained that Facebook wasn't like MySpace, all of our college friends were FB, it was a great way to reconnect and network. She was right. I conformed. I checked my FB account everyday, for about 6 days.
This week while visiting my friend Maria, I wanted to show her a photo of someone. The only photo I knew of was on FB. I logged in. I'm so sorry, I really hope I don't offend anyone...
What's with the quizzes? What President are you? Which Disney Princess are you? Which Greek Goddess are you? Who cares.
How about the games or whatever they are? There was something on FB about the mafia and making a farm. Maria told me a friend emailed her and asked her why she wasn't making a farm. I couldn't stop laughing.
Maybe Maria is not making a farm because she has a full time job and she's really busy. Hmm.... Yes, I have a blog, I write on my blog, and I read other blogs. Maybe people make fun of me for blogging. That's okay; I will accept it. Through blogging I've built friendships, I have prayer partners, and I've learned about new crafts, recipes, international adoption, etc... I'm not sure how building a fake farm and taking a quiz to find out which Disney Princess I am will help me in this lifetime?
I must admit, I did take one FB quiz but I never posted the results. The quiz was something like, "How Church of Christ are you?" My results concluded that I was going to hell. Nice!
I do check my FB account. I average about 1-2 times per week. It can be interesting but I sometimes wonder if I missed something in this life... how do grown adults have time to make a fake farm and still go to work and/or take care of life's responsibilities. I'm not saying I'll never write a status update, I do on occasion and I just might post a photo someday.
I found this article on CNN.com. It's interesting, funny, and so true. What kind of Facebooker are you? Click on the article for a description of each.
Here are some of my favorite answers...
The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day Bore
The Self-Promoter
The Town Crier
The TMIer
The Crank
The Paparazzo
Is It Just Me???
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8:20 AM
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I could have written this post!! I LOVE it!! I totally agree, I don't get the quizzes or the farm thing either. Blogging is much more fun and useful in my opinion!
I LOVE this post...I totally feel the same way!!! The one's that say..." (insert name) is wondering why the sun isn't shining" make me CRAZY..I personally dont want to know you are wondering that!!! Sorry Jill...I could go on and on too!
Hey! I'm Church of Christ too!
I completely agree!! Facebook has gotten out of hand with the quizzes and games. I love it because my friends all over the world can keep in close contact, but it really needs to be brought down a few notches. :)
Ugh I hear ya sistah!
I end up blocking people who post stupid quizzes and farm requests all day long.
Love this post, and I agree with you 100%. I don't log into FB very often but when I do it usually is because I have a few minutes to spare and want to know what my friends are up to. I HATE all the quizzes, petitions, polls, mafia wars, etc. A beautiful thing about FB is that you can 'hide' people if you find their games/status updates annoying. I've used that on quite a few people!
i agree, too! i don't understand all the quizzes and junk? and what about the "join this cause" or that cause? it's too much!!
no it's not just you. I have an fb account to and do the occasional stat update and post pics (mostly for my family) - its' also been fun to re-connect with schoolmates. I prefer to blog too (I haven't as much since we ended our adoption plans, but am trying to keep up. I digress, the farms, the mafia, the quizzes - I DON'T get it. not at all. I also prefer blogging because it will be a scrapbook for our family. My son loves looking back at the last few years and what we were doing - fb - who cares if someones is going to walk their dog - lol :)
ha ha..those are funny - and oh so true. BUT I can't anything I do the farming on FB - but I don't do the invites or send quizes - it's my 'downtime' after the kiddos go to bed - and my hubby is playing video games...I sit on the couch while he plays and I play. I understand the getting annoyed I hate the quizes and the 'what kind of's' are you things.....big deal!!! who really cares!?!?!? It's always the same people posting them. UGH! I have 100's of gifts or whatever I rarely even send anything out..I can't keep up with it! I just do my thing...and don't BUG people LOL
It is NOT just you! I'm SO over the farm invites and such. You know you can block those though. AND you can block getting notifications from certain people. It's not perfect, but it helps! Great post!
I LOVE this post!! I never jumped on the MySpace bandwagon, but always loved Facebook. For the beginning listed reasons not because of the farm and mafia games .... which has somewhat taken over everyones page.
I grew up Church of Christ, went to a CoC college, but would probably fail that test too since I now am non-denominational!
100% Agree - I finally just disabled my account.
You are not alone! I joined facebook back in the early days when it was only open to colleges and my roomie asked for our school to be added - that was like 5 years ago now (I can't even believe it). When I first started on FB, there were only 7 other people from my high school on there, period. Now I wouldn't even know what to guess to see how many past, current, or future students from my high school are on there. I liked it because it was simpler than my space, but not anymore. I find it very annoying and check it rarely to see what people are up to. The concept was fun in the beginning, but it went way beyond for me!
By the way, I'm so out of the loop I don't even know what the farming thing is! (I'm 24, but my hubby and I must be the most uncool 24 year olds because we are both pretty over FB).
There is a new version of facebook out called facebook lite. it looks a lot like facebook circa 2004. There are no apps, fan pages or quizzes. Give it a whirl, sounds like you might like it better!
The quizzes are CRAZY! I'll take one here or there if I'm bored and really feel like knowing. (I took a Halloween costume one this morning because I love costumes.)
I play the games because, well, I have nothing better to do. Being unemployed and all. So my day consists or reading, playing on the computer, whatever chores I can do...but yeah, when you wake up at 7:30 and go to bed a little after 11...that's a lot of hours to fill in. LOL!
But for those that have jobs and lives and all that...I don't see how they can play the games...and don't expect them to. LOL. I just so happen to have PLENTY of time to do all that stuff. LOL! And I don't get offended if others can't.
I TOTALLY agree!! People just must get quite bored to do the quizes and what not. Personally, I've never done one. I just like to post and look at pictures and people's profiles! Speaking of, I need to find you :)
It's not just you - FB is extremely annoying!!! Between the games and the farms and the over status-ers I can't bring myself to login in very ofter.
I just found your blog recently and LOVE IT!!!
Yeah the games and quizzes annoy me too! But I guess it's the same as all those adults who play video games?
I agree I hate all that stuff and hide a lot of people . it has gotten way out of control.
I have to 'fess up to playing all sorts of games and loving the quizzes (I'm a total dork who'll use anything I can find to avoid being productive once I get home in the evenings), but I'm very adamant about not sending invites to either other than to people that I already know play the games or also do the quizzes. I've blocked invitations and updates from certain apps/games that I have no interest from, and people that I know just from the games are set to not show up on my news feed. It can get annoying and frustrating, but fortunately, they have started putting some controls in that can help control some of it. The overshare that some people put in their status just baffles me...there are some things I just don't want to know!!
This is SO funny and SO TRUE!! I started FB to network and reconnect with old friends...I have, and that part has been fun! BUT...Before I even read into your post, I was thinking: "and what's with all the wierd quizes, farm games and mafia wars, etc..." WHO CARES!!?!!
SERIOUSLY!... I have much better things to do with my time...
**like BLOGGING, for instance!**
Have a great day!!
I'm CoC too, but I think I would fail that quiz
Amen sister!
I was so sick of the poke, drinks, hugs, quizzes, apps and all the other crap they push over there that I finally just deleted it.
I couldn't agree more!
Today I logged in to see "What Sexual Position" my friend is.
Needless to say... I took him off my newsfeed.
I will admit that I check facebook pretty frequently, because it is on my phone. But those games are SO weird! I attend a CoC and I had no idea about that quiz. How funny!
Love this. So over the "what color crayon are you" quizzes. WHO CARES?!
Seriously. Time could be spent doing things that matter. Like watching Gossip girl. ;)
Amen sister! Now that we are on the FB subject I have a confession to make...I'm a FB snob! It's true. There's a girl who keeps sending me a request and I don't want her as a FB friend. She keeps writing me and sending a request. She's annoying enough in REAL life let alone cyber. Sorry but true. Does this make me a bad person? Talk about cyber drama, LOL!
I am in total agreement! I have a title but it's not on the list.. I am "The Ignorer". When I get on facebook, I ignore all request for games, quizes, gifts, etc. But I do have to admit that at one time I got into the farming thing - what a time sucker.
Hahahaha thank you for posting this. You hit the nail on the head.
I think I would have stopped using FB awhile ago had I not found the "Hide" button on newsfeed. I pretty much hide everyone who posts quizzes, updates their status every 5 minutes, etc.
My husband does FB, I do not.
It's really annoying when he FB's with our next door neighbor...the guy lives next door, just go talk to him.
It's a weird sign of the times that he knows daily updates on what my friends are doing and reminds me of their birthdays, etc.
But the last straw was when my husband posted some of my pregnancy updates (nothing too personal) and people started saying things like, "oh, I read you're having a boy on FB." WTF! Call me hormonal, but I would like to be able to tell family and friends things like this before they read it on FB!
SO, to concur, A RESOUNDING yes, Facebook is annoying!!!!!!
that "how church of christ are you?" quiz sounds phenom... i'm not a big quizzer, but i think i may have to search that one out and find it. haha
but i do agree... although i'm an admitted facebook addict, all the quizzes and ridiculous applications drive me crazy. i just want to know how my friends are/what they're up to!
I love this post and you have just hit on my exact feelings for Facebook. I go on there more to lurk than to post about anything. I see my friends taking quizzes, building farms, asking for things for their mafia and playing sorority life. I will never understand it. I also have a friend that moved to California that is way too tmi and posts status updates several times a day.
When people find out that I blog, I get some eye rolls, but I would much rather have that then be on boring Facebook all the time. At least I feel like I’m forming new friendships and learning about new things through this.
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