When my sister and brother-in-law announced they were moving to Omaha, NE for a year most people cringed and said, “WHY?” I wondered too if Omaha would be a fun experience.
Omaha has turned out to be such a great place. Who knew??? They have everything... shops, restaurants, and entertainment. Omaha has 4 seasons and most importantly they have a real FALL, complete with pretty trees, crisp weather, caramel apples, hay rides, pumpkin patches, and apple orchards. Ahh… the fall I’ve always dreamed of…
They decided to rent a loft style apartment in an old building located in the downtown area. They love it! I think it's a great choice.

The view from their windows. Check out those trees!
On Friday Jenn took me to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. I was expecting a field of pumpkins and a cheesy gift shop. Oh noooo, this is Fall in the Midwest! It was beautiful! Vala’s Pumpkin Patch is the ultimate Fall Festival. Among many attractions they have a Haunted Farm House, a Pumpkin Creek Train Ride, and Candle Making. Vala’s even had a real Midwest Corn Maze!!! We had caramel apples and Kettle Corn! I felt like I was walking through scenic calendar pages of the Midwest.
I'm planning on writing another post about our 2nd day in the Midwest. It was also SO fun and quite the experience for a Texas girl. On Friday, we must have taken 150+ photos. I had to decipher...

Fall must really make you feel good...i noticed you pointed out how neautiful you look :-) Typo? Love ya!!!!
I still can't get over how gorgeous all your pictures from Omaha are!
I LOVE that sweet shop with my name!!!
We went right through Old Market this morning! We did not get to do much other than wedding activities this weekend....however, I had to schedule room for a little shopping time at my all time favorite...Borsheims!! :):):)
Looks like fun....the only pumpkins I have saw are at WalMart...boo FL!
wow! these pictures are beautiful! looks like fun:)
The scenery in these pictures are gorgeous. Yellow leaves are my favorite, and those are the brightest I've ever seen.
Awwhhhh!...all the things I love about living in the upper midwest...beautiful photos!! Glad you are having such a nice time with your sister! Enjoy the rest of your vacation and God bless! <><
Looks like fun! I love the fall leaves and tress in all the photos! Wish we had that in Georgia!
It is so beautiful there!! What a great time to visit. I have always wanted to travel to a place that has follage like this because I am also a big fan of the fall season. I bet they will have a gorgeous winter as well.
Wow, these pictures are incredible! They could make a girl want to take off and move to Nebraska. :)
it looks gorgeous!
I wish I could bring Omaha to Alabama!
Oh my! That bright yellow tree!! You don't find that in SA, do you? Unless you have a can of spray paint, I guess... LOL
it was a fun wknd! thx for coming sis
What beautiful photos. That's one thing I truly miss about living on the West Coast. I miss Fall....
Gosh, Omaha looks gorgeous! I guess I will have to check it out one day!
Isn't really Fall the most fun!?!
Love the pics - makes me want to go back to the Midwest for a weekend!!!
You are right. You were there at the perfect weekend. There are no bad pictures. They are all beautiful.
Love, Mom
kelsey's?!?! i NEED to go there.
Well, I've never been to Omaha! But, it looks gorgeous!
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