
Thursday I traveled to Northern CA for work. On travel days, I usually don’t fly until noon or late afternoon. I spend the morning getting ready for the trip and doing paper work in my home office. I often turn on the Today Show and The View in the other room and listen to it in the background as I’m working.
Last Thursday the guest host on The View was Mrs. Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag. Now y’all, brace yourselves for this one! Make sure you’re sitting down... Heidi said her and Spencer have been married for 4 months and they’re already having problems in their marriage. She is ready to have a baby and Spencer NEVER wants to have kids. Spencer was in the audience and said he has considered getting “fixed.” He also said he’s not that interested in having s*x with his wife right now because she might accidentally forget to take the pill and become pregnant.
Why don’t people discuss this stuff before they say "I Do?" Kids or no kids, adoption, working vs. not working, money, church, etc… I don’t get it!
Thank You, Thank You
I have received several blog awards over the last few months. Thank you so much to all these fabulous bloggers. Be sure to stop by their blogs and say Hello!
Thank you Mr. Jones and Me for the Honest Scrap Award
Thank you Kassie from The Girly Gallivanter for the You're a Gem Award
Thank you Suburban Princess for the Kreativ Blogger Award
Thank you Jules from Chic and Pink for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award
spencer is a douche. a big, giant douche and I'm sorry - but heidi, what did you expect? close your stinking legs and do society a favor by not passing on his genes.
Something tells me this "relationship drama" might just be there to keep everyone interested in them.
I don't know whether the Spencer and Heidi drama is real or not, but if it is, they'll never last. I watched The Hills the other night (ugh, don't judge, I can't believe I still watch it either) and they were looking for a house. Heidi liked one house because it was good for a family, so Spencer went ahead and leased the other one (that wasn't kid-friendly) without talking to her. That's in no way a real-life relationship!
Both are them are ridiculous, it's all just a front for MTV...but hopefully they don't procreate, that would be a nightmare.
I totally agree with you about people discussing that type of thing before they get married!! So important!
Well, I think it's safe to say they won't last long. )Sadly, since they only add to the myth that marriage is about romance.) But, you're right, all of those things should be discussed, at lenght, before setting a date in my opinion.
lol, oh heidi and spencer. i've recently decided that they are hilarious becasue i suspect that they are putting on a huge show for the world. i mean, they have to be kidding and playing a joke on us all. that's the only explaination for their rediculous behavior and comments.
I realy hope that what Heidi and Spencer portray in interviews and on their show isn't indicative of their real life. It's really sad if they really live that way...
oh my goodness, that is most definitely a conversation you have before marriage! I don't know them (obviously) but I seriously think they are not mature enough to be married.
Ick...I just really don't like those two.
I don't know the first thing about Heidi and Spencer, but, really? That hat?
As my four year old would say (to keep from getting in trouble) Upid people!
Well, I have to say, I'm really glad that douche bag doesn't want to reproduce. Smart guy ;)
And since they won't make it anyway, I guess it's best. I have no idea what she's doing with him!
It's a daily toss up on which couple drives me nuttier; Jon & Kate or Heidi & Spencer. I agree that all of those things should be discussed before you walk down the aisle. They're idiots.
Congrats on all of the awards ;)
Heidi and Spencer are just sick! I can't take it! Congrats on the award :)
I saw her on The View and once I got over the douchebag husband of hers wearing those ridiculous crystals around his neck I just sat in amazement at the stuff they were talking about. On 10.19 I will have been married 4 months and I cannot imagine working out the details of our family planning AFTER we said I DO. BTW did you see what an ass he was to that adorable neighborhood kid? (yes I am hanging my head in shame while admitting I can't STOP watching The Hills)
real or fake they are ridiculous either way!
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