Since I travel for work, on occasion I write about my travels but I don’t write about the actual job or what I do (often). I think talking about work is really boring. I have so much more to offer. Ha! How about the people that can’t stop complaining about work? Ugh! Anyway...
Today we went through another downsizing. I’ve known this day was coming since August. I survived. I’m the only person left in Texas. I’m beyond thankful but it was a bad day. I’m happy I still have a job but I'm so sad for my co-workers who no longer have a job.
At 11:30 AM a co-worker in my region called to tell me he had been “tapped” (tapped is what we call it). It was terrible. I knew the calls were starting, my hands were shaking; I couldn’t think straight. All of the sudden my knees starting shaking. I haven’t had shaky knees since the time I rode the Big Shot on the top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. For the record, the Big Shot is the scariest thing I’ve ever done and I’ll never do it again.
Layoff day is always tough. Tonight I feel beyond blessed. My prayers tonight will be prayers of thanksgiving.
The Gift~
In September I purchased my official 2009 “Layoff Present.” Each time we have a layoff, right before it actually happens, I buy myself a Layoff Present. I know it’s probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done and I should be saving every penny during a layoff season. I’m 99.5% sure my Father does NOT read my blog or I would NEVER write about the “Layoff Present.” He would be mortified and I would be lectured. ;)
The Layoff Present has always brought me luck. If I actually lose my job I know it will be a while before I get to buy myself a treat, so I might as well have one last treat. Right? If I don’t lose my job the Layoff Present is a gift for my pain and suffering (and shaky knees).
The Layoff Present this year was a black leather Kate Spade bag. I love it! I would take a photo and post it but I’m exhausted. It’s really cute though. I also buy myself a birthday present each year and some years I buy myself a Christmas present. I used to buy myself a Valentine’s Day present but the Valentine’s Day present was replaced with the (oh so important) Layoff Present.
So girls, I encourage you to treat yourselves to "special gifts" every now and then, especially all the single girls. The best part is you know you’ll get exactly what you wanted.
Since I don't like to post without a photo (not sure if the Big Shot photo counts), here's a pic of me and two friends I met at my job. The best part about work is meeting friends I never would have met outside of this job. What if our paths had never crossed? It's so weird to think about that...

That's a great idea! I agree that we should treat ourselves every now and then (or too much...). I treat myself too much. I need to stop! LOL. The picture is adorable!
I love that picture of us! Although in my copy my fat legs are cropped out! I am so glad you are safe!! I guess that means J.C. got 'tapped' :-(
I'm glad you weren't "tapped". Enjoy your bag!
I think a special gift for yourself is a great idea! I am already thinking of something nice for my 30th bday and once I reach my health goals! I am sorry to hear about the layoffs.
I hope you have a great day!
Glad you made it through the layoffs...we've had so many lately too, and it's so tough!
I like this idea too, and I have an idea of what I want to treat myself with...I blogged about it today, actually...a red beaded necklace that I fell in love with!
I am also waiting out the Tapped co workers and I ate a feast of chips, dips, cheese log, pasta and breadsticks yesterday as we stressed about when our last paycheck would be...We know it is coming...they say Nov 1, which gives me one more week !!!
I'm glad to hear you survived the layoffs. I know how scary that is.
And I totally agree about buying yourself gifts. I do it sometimes too!
Are you kidding!? I know a couple of single guys that would love to be the one to buy you birthday and Valentine presents. (Don't I sound like a busybody grandma :)
I'm glad you are still standing! I'm sure there's a good reason for that!
congrats on being not tapped!!! i know it's so stressful for yourself and worrying about others!!
cute pic!! your always so adorable!!
I'm happy to hear that you didn't get "tapped". I've been keeping you in my daily prayers. I know how stressful this season has been but I also know that God didn't allow it for nothing. You gained wisdom, strength, and faith through this trip in the valley.
Since hubby's layoff our marriage has grown stronger, we're more responsible with our money, and we learned to find joy in the little things again. I'm positive something good will come out of this whole ordeal for you as well. Sending love and blessings from our house to yours ~
Congrats on surviving! We've had so many layoffs around here as well... it's always so sad.
Found your blog via Design Girl . . . glad to hear you get to keep your job. What do you do? Great gift!! :)
I know the feeling, when we did layoffs in Feb. I was scared as hell!
i'm so glad you were not tapped! congratulations:) i buy myself presents too...although not as much now that i have my house as i used to.
I LOVE the idea of buying yourself a present every now an then. You know your taste best! Glad you escaped the cut though.
congrats on surviving that last round! how fun that you've made some great girl friends at work, cute pic!=)
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